I lost my sweet singer Doris.


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey

Doris, my Blue Marans passed today. She was 3 years 7 months old. She was my largest hen, laid beautiful deep chocolate brown eggs, hatched my first brood of chicks (and let me play with them), and would jump up in front of my face to sing with me as I tidied the coop. She was my friend. Her voice was so distinctive I always knew where she was. Her sister was always right by her side. Henry the banty rooster loved her so much he would sit on her broad back and sleep there at night. She seemed to enjoy it. I’ll miss her so much.
Oh gosh, I am so sorry she is gone. :hugsIts always hard on the heart to lose them. 💔 You gave her a wonderful life, she knows you loved her.

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