I may have cancer

Tomorrow I'm going to start some light chores like feeding my chickens and dogs I think I'm ready for some exercise .
-10 with a wind chill -30 and getting colder I feel bad for my chickens I think I should bring them in the house but that would prove I'm crazy.
I am so happy you feel better. Please take care not to over do. But it is good to get out and spend time with you animals. Will continue the prayers.
Believing for your healing. In Jesus name Amen! It is wonderful and strengthing to see all of your friends here praying for you-gain strength and joy knowing that they are with you.
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Today I went to the ER for some pain & got a CT scan and it shows a 3 cm growth on my left kidney. Well I see some special Dr. on the 15th to find out for sure . I don't know what to,expect and my mind is making me nervous as heck. can't eat or anything any advice would be of great help to me.

You might want to watch the movie about Gerson treatments for cancer - "the Beautiful Truth".
Have hope!
Google warns that the Gerson website may harm you computer. Instead, read this:


Alternative treatments should be viewed with caution. I think that they are best avoided unless the surgeon or oncologist agrees that they are effective and compatible with his treatment.

Doctors will, in any case, suggest modifications to diet. For example, they will recommend plenty of fruit and vegetables. That's not rocket science or a reason to pay some alternative treatment guru for the knowledge. During a period of chemo. treatment, a patient must avoid raw vegetables and unpeeled fruit. Someone ignoring the oncologist and following other advice about eating fruit and veg. could become seriously ill and be hospitalised. That's not what you want when you are going through chemo. Chemo. reduces the white blood cell count and, therefore, resistance to infection. Raw vegetables and the skin of fruit cannot be completely cleaned of harmful substances that could devastate the health of a chemo. patient.

Your own doctors are trained, experienced and are legally bound to give you the best recognised treatment. Cancer surgery and post operative treatment is specified by a team of specialists for each individual patient. Quacks can say or write anything but won't be there is you want to sue them for giving bad advice. Quacks trade on the fear of cancer patients and that is heartless exploitation of people with a life-threatening complaint.

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