I miss my duck :(


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
The Colony
Today, mustard would have been 7 months. I'm so down about that. I feel like he didn't have a very long life...

Since the incident, I have not personally seen the bobcat around, but have heard from my friend (who lives half a mile from me) and someone I chatted with at the duck pond (I can't keep away from ducks, cept all those male scovys make me think of mine... Cept mine was probably a good 5 pounds bigger, biggest muscovy I've EVER seen)

Anyways, I decided I wanted another duck, a muscovy of course (hands down, muscovys are the best.) but have not gotten one yet. Since I plan to get a duckling and go through the same things... I have two diapers left.. Sadly.

The only problem is though, my dad won't let me get another one unless I sneakily come across one. All my friends think I'm the animal lady so no doubt something will come for me... I just don't think it's that beautiful scovy I've been dreaming of.

But out of every animal I have EVER EVER EVER EVER owned... My little mustard was the most loyal, most loving, and kindest animal I have ever met. He always did what he was told and he was a great friend, I spent so much of my time with him and I haven't thought much about all our times in the past until now. I would take him on walks to the neighbors or around the block (he always got so much attention, don't see ducks in the city. Especially one walking side by side with a human), I watched tv with him on my chest (when he could fit!), and sometimes I even slept with him. Man I miss him waking me up at the crack of dawn every morning.
He'd always do this weird thing and sleep at the edge of the bed whenever I went to bed. And I'd wake up at midnight and he'd be right next to me fast asleep. Of course, in the morning he'd hiss and wag his tail in my face so I'd get up and feed him.

Anyways, before I start rambling some more... I was feeling kind of down so I thought I'd write that.
I didn't leave byc forever anyways :p
Your post made me cry.


The right duck will come your way.
t's not often i come across other people who have indoor ducks, and i know how attached you can become to an animal you share your home with. there were several times when i came close to losing one of mine, and i was terribly upset, so i can't imagine how hard it must be... Scovies are very popular amongst the byc crowd, so you never know, perhaps someone on this site might have an extra that just happens to come your way...
Yes, I would love for that

but my indoor ducks were definately the best pets I've ever had. I wouldn't recommend them for anyone though, it was like having two two year olds. Changing diapers, watching them carefully (they get into things sometimes, like the dogs food >:[ ) but my muscovy, the one I had since day one, knew the contour of my house and could direct himself through
one time my little brother left the door open before we went some where, and we came home and my scovy was standing naked in my living room, poor guy was looking for his family

And then he left this nice little poop in the hall (it wasn't nice at all actually)

I'm just glad he didn't get on my bed, because when I take showers and he can't find me he just gets on my bed and passes out, or sits in the living room with my dad.
I miss him so much

I know it's a sad time. You will always miss Mustard but hopefully a new Scovy friend will help to mitigate the sadness and loss.
A day old duckling may be hard to come by at this time of the year but .....
I just don't think it's that beautiful scovy I've been dreaming of.

What are you looking for, aleciasayshii?​
this is exactly how i describe having indoor ducks... lol down to the very same words you use. I don't reccomend it to people because it's like having two year olds! Don't forget giving them baths and them throwing temper tantrums when they are not in the same room as you or they can hear you cooking and want treats. lol
I'm honestly looking for any color of scovy if that what your asking. I'm hoping for a girl, that way I won't get my leg humped again.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. It's so late in the year and I want one sooner or later

Yeah, Dingus (my runner) would quack really loud and not look for me, then mustard would just fix the problem and come find me. He always looked in 3 rooms. My room, kitchen, and bathroom. haha. He was very smart. He actually surprised me on how intelligent he actually was.

And when I was cooking he would always tug my shorts/pants until I gave him a treat. He was so precious.
Baths though, he did on his own, he wasn't big on water. One bath a day and he was good.
Since he stayed outside at night/when I was at school.

I honestly miss him so much though. He may have been a duck but he will always be my child

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