I need a good knitter to knit something for my boy... please?


11 Years
Aug 28, 2008
New England.. the cold part.
My almost-7-year old son gets frostbite on his cheeks all the time. He really needs a balaclava. DH had one that he let DS use, but since he deployed this morning, he had to take it with him. I could go out to W-mart and buy him a cheap one, but I'd really love to pay someone to knit one just for him... make it special. It should be blue, and a wool blend, so it's warm and not too itchy. His head is just a little smaller than an adult lady, kind of big for a little kid, but not ridiculously so. I just want him warm, and to feel loved. I went out and bought needles and yarn, and apparently, I am not a knitter... I will keep working on it, but in the mean time... any takers? PM if you want!
Let me look into a pattern and maybe I can help!
It'll give me a break from knitting my socks on size 2 needles!

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