I need a hug :( (Warning Pity Party)


Brooder Boss
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
I have been trying to be positive and just look at the good but its just too much today.
My mother has been having some mental problems for about three years now she is an LPN and because of these problems has been unable to work and is now on disability.. When these problems arose the Drs. put her on Xanax along with about 13 other meds.. Well since going on the Xanax she has been a completly different person, she no longer can stand to be around her grandchildren, she has become mean and short with everyone..
Now my mother was the proverbial super mom before this she did'nt get stressed easily, she always was the first to help any friend or family that needed it, and always was goofy and happy.. Now she is'nt the mother any of us knew.. Well 5 weeks ago she needed to have surgery to have her achilles tendon removed and reattached which meant she would be in a cast and unable to walk .. The Drs. put her on a high dose of Oxycontin for the pain.. Well the pain meds and the anxiety meds together caused her to have hallucinations and hear voices and have resulted in multiple suicidal thoughts... Now she has been in a phsych ward twice in the last 5 weeks and they decided last time to take her off both meds as they were thinking this was causing it .. Everything was ok til yesterday when she got the cast off... The pain from her tendon strechting back out was getting pretty severe and the drs. told her all she could have was tylenol for it..
So one thing leads to the next and my Dad is calling me telling me to call 911 cause my Mom has lost it and screaming and begging anyone who will listen to cut her leg off she does'nt want to suffer and that Jesus is calling her home.. Now once again this isn't the Mother that I know and Love.. I truly think the Drs. have gotten her addicted to these medications then cut her off and got the chemicals out of her bady but refused to deal the addiction.. This on top of a possible move to an apartment (which I have never lived in nor ever wanted to ) because of the way my sister has been treating me on top of a million other things that just happen to be going on .. Has me wanting to cry but havent seemed to have the time to yet... I need a hug

I know how difficult this must be for you. I am so sorry you have had to see your Mom like this. I hope the doctors will deal with this as they should.
My mom hasn't been through quite so much, but I can sympathize. My Mom isn't the person she used to be either. I know health problems, meds and not taking care of herself have all contributed. My mother has almost completely estranged herself from my brother and me and our spouses and kids. She clings to my younger sister, who is also off her rocker. Do the best you can. Prayers to you and your family.
Bless you girlie, it is hard on a family when such an important member becomes ill. I am so sorry you are going through this. Does your mother realize her different behavior? Did she ever have any emotional or depression problems at any time during her life that you can remember?
Yeah she has had Depression before but never anything like this.. The anxiety started when she was put on Xanax and has progressed steadily since , she has already called me this morning sying crazy things about they are trying to hurt her and other nonesense.. I just feel lost and my poor dad is getting to the edge also... He is trying to help her plus has used all his vacation and personal days while working 10-12 hour shifts and keeping the house up ... Stress arggghhhh
I am so sorry that you and your family are having to go through this. Having your mother become such a completely different (negative) person would be almost unbearable.

I'm sure she wants help as much as you want it for her.

It sounds to me like you and your dad need to sit down with her doctor(s) and have some serious talk time. My husbands mother lived with us for about 15 months until she became verbally and physically aggressive to our children. It was due to the meds her doctor had her on. My brother and his siblings all sat down and in very clear details let the doctor know what was happening to their mom. The doctor changed her meds and now has her aggressive behavior under control.

Doctors often don't realize how serious something is until they are 'forced' to... they are so busy that it's easy to just let things be until someone gets rather firm about it. That's not because they don't care.. they are just human and can't know what's happening unless someone tells them.

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