I need coop ideas...


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
Merrimack NH
We have 30 chickens and planning to get some more by hatching in the spring... how big of a coop do i need?

we are thinking of buying a big shed and re-doing the inside but how big should the shed be?

the hens do have free range of 3 acres during the day and have a 48 square foot run all night that is attached to the coop, that will be added onto our new coop.
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Curious how many more you plan on hatching.
I think that a 12x12 will work unless you expand the flock much.
I like the more space is better idea. I would go with a 12x16 and I would keep no more than 40 chickens in it.
Don't buy a shed-----build your Coop from scratch to have all the features you want. (See my BYC page for pics of my setup which has been in use a couple decades, 8X12)
Agreed, a 12X12 is the smallest you could (or should) buy. A lot of people aren't builders, and whatever works for you will be great. We used a large 10 ft shipping crate from Boeing for chickens years ago. We just unscrewed the top, put up a roof, cut out vents and a door... DONE. It lasted for years and years and was a very simple and cheap build! Just kept paint on it. In fact, it was fine when we moved out. Anyway, I've seen a lot of really cute coops on this board made out of pre-fab buildings. It can be done and be very functional for you. Just be sure you get the size you need and don't go too small.
I see no problem with using a shed if you aren't into building. It is much cheaper to build from scratch, but that doesn't work for everyone. Sounds like you have a nice big area for them to roam. My coop is 14x20 with separate pens and a 10x20 run on each side. I like to keep my breeds separated. I have 27 chickens now but feel like I can house about 50 chickens. I'd make it bigger than I thought was needed. Chicken math you know




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