I need help identifying this egg please!

Go into a dark place closet would work take a flag lighLED works best. Place the flash light under fat end and you should be able to see into the egg it will most likely be full of duckling so yo may not see much except air sac. Unless it’s piped into the air sac then you may see a bill. Also a dead egg will not stay warm
Go into a dark place closet would work take a flag lighLED works best. Place the flash light under fat end and you should be able to see into the egg it will most likely be full of duckling so yo may not see much except air sac. Unless it’s piped into the air sac then you may see a bill. Also a dead egg will not stay warm
Thank you! I will let you know!
Go into a dark place closet would work take a flag lighLED works best. Place the flash light under fat end and you should be able to see into the egg it will most likely be full of duckling so yo may not see much except air sac. Unless it’s piped into the air sac then you may see a bill. Also a dead egg will not stay warm
This is misleading. An unhatched live egg if not kept warm can quickly die. If you say that your suggestion implies you can tell if they are living by removing them from the source of maintained warmth to see if the egg gets cold, thereby causing death.:old
Ok, so I did the flashlight, and it looks like what I am assuming is an air sack, because it looks like a bubble. Other then being dark, I can make out anything else. Any advice is welcome.

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