I need help identifying this egg please!

Will do. Thank you so much, I honestly know nothing about this kind of thing, we just didn't want to not have some kind of chance.
This is misleading. An unhatched live egg if not kept warm can quickly die. If you say that your suggestion implies you can tell if they are living by removing them from the source of maintained warmth to see if the egg gets cold, thereby causing death.:old
No that is not what I am saying when my goose wa sitting on her last viable egg I could see movement in the egg the night I put them to be next morning when I went out the egg wasn’t moving and when I put it to my ear no sound and I could hear scratching the night before so I took the egg into my feed room to candle right next to the goose house by the time I had walked just a few feet I could tell the gosling was dead the warmth left the egg fast . I have felt many eggs that have had live ducklings , chicks in them you can def feel the difference that is what I meant I would never tell someone to carry the egg around till it got cold and it killed the baby
If you can get the dog to show you where the nest is, you might be able to both identify the bird and give the egg back if there's a clutch being hatched. Momma will know best how to do this hatch and care for the baby. Plus, it could be a protected species illegal to keep.

Yes, tell Lassie to lead you back!
Any update
I kept it under the light, and there was still nothing. Did another shine the light on the big part and nothing. My husband threw it out, and he said it was dead. It had a pretty rough time, and the shell was cracked, and had a tooth pock mark from the dog. I was still trying to save it. Thank you though for trying to help.

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