I need some advice


May 17, 2016
Hi everyone. I could really use some advice because I'm at a loss to what's going on with my flock. I have a group of black copper marans right now that are about 4-5 months old. About a month and a half ago, I found one of the pullets in the coop, unable to walk. Her legs just didn't work anymore. She died within a couple days. I'm assuming she may have been in there for a day or two before I found her since I don't often open the coop up, just the pop door. About 2 weeks later, I noticed another pullet who seemed to be having a hard time walking. She was stumbling and her legs just didn't seem to want to work. I caught her and seperated her. She still had a great apatite and I dosed her with selenium and vitamin E. She actualy did regain strength in her legs after about a week or so and her ability to walk but then suddenly lost her appetite. She just stopped eating and died about a week later, even with me trying to force feed her. Now today, I just noticed another pullet, wobbly on her legs. I caught her and dosed her with selenium and vitamin E. This one is still capable of walking if need be but not well. It seems so much like merek's disease BUT I have numerous breeds growing out, they're all together even with my main adult flock. NONE of the other breeds are showing any signs or symptoms. It's not even all of the Marans. I have the Marans marked by parentage. It seems like the ones that keep getting this issue or from a certain pairing. The mother of these girls is alive and well, happy and healthy. Their father was too but he has moved on. None of the ones from the group of shipped eggs that I hatched are having problems. (They were all hatched here). Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, thoughts? Anything would help. Thank you.
It does sound like Mareks disease, but a vitamin or mineral deficiency could also be possible. If you lose another, you would be wise to send the refrigerated body into your state vet or regional poultry lab for a necropsy. If you Google " chicken necropsy", you will see a few good links by Metzger Farms ans Castportpony on how and where to send chickens for necropsy. I would make sure that your feed is a good brand, fresh dated, and add a supplemental vitamin B complex or poultry multivitamin to food or water.
Thank you for that. The one that I noticed the day I started this thread is still alive, eating and drinking like normal but has completely lost the functional use of her legs. She can kick herself around a little but she's always laying on her side. I think I'm going to cull her. It's sad to see her live like that. I haven't noticed any others having issues yet.

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