I think my chick has worms


Jul 4, 2015
I have a cochin that I believe is a runt or has a genetic deficiency because she hasn't grown much in the last 3 weeks that I've had her but all her sisters are 3 times bigger than her. Any ways, she's been super healthy otherwise, eating a ton but I don't see her drinking enough. Today she has become super lethargic and just wants to sleep. She'll wake up and go directly to the food and gorge then pass out. She's been throwing her head to each side once in awhile too. I forced her to drink probiotic chick water but soon after she falls asleep in my hand. I noticed her crop is super full too but it's night time so that maybe fine. I massaged it any ways just in case she's having problems getting it through. I feel like she's not getting nutrients and is gorging herself. She is the one chick that keeps getting a pasty butt too. It's been normal poop until today. I think she may have worms because I saw a picture of chicken poop with worms and it looks exactly the same. Pinkish poop thats kind of stringy and elastic like. I don't know why all of a sudden she'd get sick or start acting like this. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. Or if nature is just taking it's course and she's not strong enough to make it.
It sounds like it could have worms or coccidia. I would get it on medication as fast as possible.

I hope it heals up soon! Best of luck!
I'm really sorry to hear that.

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