I think my hen has sour crop


In the Brooder
May 31, 2016
Hello, I think one of my 2 yr old hens has a sour crop. She wasn't in the coop like normal when I went to put the rest of the chickens in, which concerns me. I picked her up and she didn't protest at all (she's friendly but she normally at least clucks when I pick her up), and she was lethargic. Her crop felt like it was full of liquid. She drank quite a bit of water when I brought her back to the pen, and she didn't go into the coop on her own. I put her in because I didn't want her to be in the run all night.

Her comb has been a little pale since she was broody a few weeks ago (she was broken) so I just assumed the coloring was from that. She was broody for longer than I would have liked, around 2 weeks maybe? Not sure. Tonight it was very pale and her wattles were shrunken (color was still good though). She also seemed a tiny bit lighter than normal.

Is this sour crop or something else? What's the best treatment for sour crop? I would really rather not make her vomit if I don't have to, I don't want her to breathe it in.
Does her breath smell?
Does she have grit?
With sour crop her breath would be sour smelling and the crop would be somewhat "squishy".
Check her in the morning to see if it has emptied.

Other possibilities that come to mind is if you've been having hot weather. It's possible that she may be suffering from heat. Was she panting or did she seem in distress?

I'm not sure if her breath smells, I didn't have time to unfortunately. I'll check when I get home.
Yes, she has access to grit.
It didn't feel empty in the morning, but i checked in the later morning so I don't know if she ate or not. Her crop felt the same as it did yesterday.
She wasn't panting or anything, but it has been hot here.

I'm going to try the treatments on the links you provided, and see if she gets any better. Thanks for your help!
I went and checked on her a few hours ago, and she has sour crop :( Her breath smelled pretty bad. She's been staying under a bush most of the day, still lethargic. She was more reactive when I picked her up and massaged her crop though. I'm going to seperate her from the rest of the flock tonight and see if I can get some probiotics in her. I hope she makes it, she's one of my sweetest hens :/
I didn't separate her tonight, as I had nothing to put her in. My 'sick pen' is home to 5 chicks and their mama, who are there waiting until they are big enough to go to the main coop. Anyway, I'm going to find/make something tomorrow and get my poor sick girl away from everyone else.

She made it into the coop by herself, which is better than yesterday when I found her hiding outside just before dusk. She drank quite a bit of water with ACV in it. I made a mash with feed and water, she took 2 tiny bites and spit up liquid when she bent her head to drink. I don't think that's good :( I think I'm going to fast her for a few days so nothing more gets stuck in her crop to rot.

I'm going to see if I can get some Acidified Copper Sulfate as well.
I think we have good news! I saw miss Lagertha poop earlier today. It looked pretty normal to me, although it was pretty liquid-y. I may or may not have poked through it with a stick :rolleyes: and there were no worms or anything.
I separated her from the rest of the flock, she has water with probiotics. Her crop also felt much smaller than it did yesterday.

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