I think my hen is egg bound- need advice.

Thank you all SOOOOO much. I have kept an eye on her and she continues to have plenty of energy. She's eating and drinking plenty. She's not going anywhere near the nest box She continues to be extra rude to her sisters, especially the bottom of the pecking order. Maybe there's something to that- as if to say, "I'm not laying right now, but don't you get any funny ideas about changing rank!" In other news, I witnessed poop coming out so that made me feel better for some reason
. Maybe she really is on vacation. Should I bring her some sunglasses and a tall glass of worms? Some postcards and stamps? Wonder what she would write.
Thank you all SOOOOO much. I have kept an eye on her and she continues to have plenty of energy. She's eating and drinking plenty. She's not going anywhere near the nest box She continues to be extra rude to her sisters, especially the bottom of the pecking order. Maybe there's something to that- as if to say, "I'm not laying right now, but don't you get any funny ideas about changing rank!" In other news, I witnessed poop coming out so that made me feel better for some reason
. Maybe she really is on vacation. Should I bring her some sunglasses and a tall glass of worms? Some postcards and stamps? Wonder what she would write.
Bwahahaaaa! Glad to hear she is doing ok
That's an interesting idea. Would she have this weird behavior and stop laying even before the feather loss? If so, then that would be a great answer to what's going on!
That's an interesting idea. Would she have this weird behavior and stop laying even before the feather loss? If so, then that would be a great answer to what's going on!
Yeah she will start converting resources to growing feathers instead of making eggs, even prior to actual feather loss.
An update: The run was littered with feathers today. YES!!! LET THE MOULT BEGIN!!!! I am SO relieved. (And perhaps a bit embarrassed that I put KY jelly in the poor girl's vent. I hope she will forgive me.) This is the most knowledgable chicken forum around. You all ROCK!!!

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