I think something is caught in my littel roo's throat


7 Years
Jan 8, 2013
I have done a ton of research prior to posting..
When I went to feed, my Serama Roo was appearing to haveing trouble breathing.

Head up, mouth open and a sqeeky sound on air intake.
I have checked his lungs with a stethoscope.sound clear
But when I looked down his throat with a flashlight.it looks like something may be stuck.dark in color.
Also, his comb is purple about half way down
I have gived him tiny amounts of warm water by eye drop
and some drops of olive oil......also gently rubbed his throat............
Hoping for some other ideas.he is so darned little I am afraid if I try to dislodge it....I may push it into his wind pipe.

Thank You in advance for any assistance.
I don't need to tell you I will be heart broken if I lose him...............
keep rubbing his croup... downwards... see if it will clear.
seperate him out with no access to food, grass or hay or straw.. water only.. oil down into the croup...
see if that helps..
If his crest is purplish I'd think the blockage is in his windpipe. I have two stories of my own experience about windpipe blockages, one or both or neither may be useful to your situation. Hope your chook lives.

I have a light sussex hen who inhaled something and wheezed like a donkey's bray with every breath whether inhale or exhale, for days. She had to lay down due to lack of oxygen. She eventually cleared it by herself and lived. She's still alive now. I tried olive oil and I think it actually went into her lungs somehow, because she coughed and went purple in the face for a bit, nearly died. So I left her be. Others, many of which, have also survived that wheezing/sneezing/squeaking blockage issue, caused I think by seed husks.

Case two was not good. This one eventually needed culling because she went all purple in the face over a few days and became floppy from lack of oxygen. She did not need to lay down like the sussex. She didn't wheeze anywhere near as loud or bad. Another hen I also lost to suffocation (she inhaled a long piece of grass) could only make a rattling noise. All those who wheezed or squeaked loudly survived, all those who made little to no noise died.

As for your little chick, if he's wheezing, based on my limited experience, I'd say it's possibly up high enough for him to hopefully dislodge by himself. Maybe when it's high enough to make a wheeze it's high enough for any fluids caused by irritation to build up behind it and help dislodge it, like add force, later on. I've never seen that in a chick so young though so I don't know.
I want to thank everyone for your responce.
He was not young.just a tiny breed.about 20 ounces.
He passed this afternoon.....

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