I thought I had a rose-combed Bantam Marans, but it looks like her first egg may be white! Any ideas


11 Years
Jun 4, 2012
I've been waiting for the last two of my five hens to start laying, and on their 10-month hatch-date, I saw a fourth egg in the nesting box. I had thought that one of the two, Frida, was a Bantam Marans (she has lightly feathered legs), and the other is definitely a Brahma, so imagine my surprise to find a little white egg in the box, and Grace, my bantam Blue Andalusian, had already laid first thing this morning.
My questions:
Is it possible that Grace laid twice today? Or could a brown-layer's first egg be white? Or, does anyone have any idea what Frida might be??
Frida hasn't started squatting yet (she's by far the shyest of the flock), but Bettina the Brahma has, so I was expecting Bettina to be next. I'm very confused! Any suggestions would be most welcome, though of course, I love her no matter what she is! They were not guaranteed to be any particular breeds and may be mutts. I'm still curious, though, and was hoping for more color variety.
The new egg is on the left, with the little blood spot (the big one is from Stella, a red star; the little tan one is from a bantam frizzled cochin):

Here is the lovely Miss Frida today:

About a month ago:

I didn't think her ear lobes were white, but maybe they are. They look pink to me, but she's still developing. I thought I had read that marans can have double combs, but maybe that was wrong. But what about the feathered legs?
It is possible for a hen to lay two eggs in the same day, I have a hen that does this almost every day! I don't believe that frida is a marans... marans should have single combs, and I don't think they come in that color. is it possible she's a mix?
Yes, she could be a mix. The people I got her from said they thought there were some marans in the eggs they had hatched, and so when I noticed the feathered legs, and after looking at lots of pictures, I thought that was what she was, but I really don't know. I think she is exceptionally beautiful, regardless; and she's a terrific flyer. I was just hoping for some dark brown eggs.
Marans only have single combs. Yours looks to be a mix to me. I'm not that familiar with all the bantam breeds, but feather legged ones include brahmas, d'Uccles, cochins, faverolles, silkies, and sultans.
Yeah, she must be a mix, because I can't find anything with a rose comb and feathered legs and her colors, let alone with white eggs!
I guess I'll just have to wait a few more days to figure out if it's her egg or not. Keep the ideas rolling in the meantime!
She doesn't seem at all Brahma to me - not the shape or the color, and Brahmas lay brown eggs, anyway. I'm thinking maybe Wynadotte for the comb and the lace and something with lightly feathered legs, like a Marans or something else European. She's got too delicate of a build to be totally Wynadotte or any of the heavy feathered-legs breeds. Her personality seems more Seebright to me than anything.
And her ears are definitely pink at the moment. I'll see what eggs I get in the next couple days.

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