I want to See Your Flowers! (Caution, pic heavy!)

OK you asked for it lol

Tropical Hibiscus: Simple Pleasures

Tropical Hibiscus: Blueberry Thrill

Tropical Waterlily - Red Flare, this one is fragrant


Tropical Waterlily- Panama Pacific

Moonflower vine (Impomea alba) with cute treefrog. The night blooming flower was closing in the morning and he was gobbling up little gnats that were attracted to the fragrance.
Passiflora Vines- I have way more than what is listed here but here's a taste lol.

Passiflora Ruby Glow

Passiflora Belotti


Passiflora Vitifolia

Passiflora Lavender Lady (Humming birds actually like this one)


Passiflora Victoria (left) Belotti (right)


Passiflora Incense

All of them are very pretty! :) I like the one with the Froggy in the moonflower! We also have a moonflower in our Flower garden... If the chickens would stop eating our flower bed.. Lol..
@flgardengirl I really like your composition and style, those passion flowers are pretty, and that frog just adorable
Your Sunflowers are Beautiful Kassaundra. Thanks for posting the names of your passionflowers flgardengirl,now I know what some of mine are. Your hibiscus and others are awesome as well.
I have a lot of flowers just starting to really get going with the blooms now that it is finally starting to cool off and dry out a little bit here. We had the most horrid wet hot humid summer ever (even for FL) lol so not as many blooms this summer as I usually get.
The other night with the full moon, a lot of the night bloomers were really going crazy. Many of them are fragrant and it smelled so great out in the backyard. I need to take some more pics!!
Here is a giant pipe vine flower. This vine is loaded down with baby 'pipes' now so hoping to get a good show before I have to move it.
Aristolochia gigantea 'brasiliensis' Truly a giant flower. The long pink brugmansia flower next to it is 22 inches long. Just to give some perspective.
Brugmansia, 'Ila Marie' The smell in the evening is incredible in my yard right now. We have Indian Night Jasmine, Night Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum Nocturnum), and all the brugmansias blooming and smelling up the whole place lol.
White brugmansia sometimes triple or quadruple skirts "Wretched Mess"

Miss Emily McKenzie (flowers get 22 inches long)

Red Passion flower 'vitifolia'

This is one of my own seedling crosses. It is a double yellow sometimes it has a triple skirt as well. I haven't named it yet.

Blue Sky Vine
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