I wish I could be a say at home mom...

Wow. What I don't understand is, didn't the grandmother protest when they tried to give her your daughter? Didn't she tell them, no, I'm here to pick up so and so, not this little girl that I've never seen before in my life?

Why did she take her in the first place? What did she think she was supposed to do with her? I'm confused as to how this could even happen..
The grandmother was over burdened already because she was picking up 6 kids (one happened to be sick so she was just counting 6) and just didn't look at who was getting into her SUV. The breakdown was because of the "you have this number, ok have this kid" system. I made several duplicates of the numbers in my office on my lunch break to prove a point to the school about how easy it is to take a child from their care. The teachers and aids that put the kids into cars are constantly rotating so they never really get a chance to know who is supposed to go where. As to how it happened, it was just a perfect series of events that lead up to a horrible event, but still luckily turned out no harm (other than emotional) for me and my daughter.
Holy CRAP! They gave your daughter to someone without your permission???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't need a reporter you need a lawyer. That is beyond the realm of acceptable. The worst part of this whole story to me is blaming you, and the fact that they have done nothing to rectify the situation. With a sex offender living near the school (OK--what???) it is just a matter of time. Even without that actually. I am so sorry this happened to you and your daughter. I had a much less serious thing happen and discussed it with the higher ups. They flat out said that if a parent complains it makes them think problem parent, but a lawyer makes them think PROBLEM.

It seriously sounds like the school system there is made up of a bunch of dumb a**es. They need a wakeup call.

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