I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

I know your heartbreak....this happened to me a month ago. All my hens killed...laying in my side yard, not a one still in the coop or fenced chicken yard. The broody hen pulled from the nest she was sitting. None eaten but all with their heads gone. Lock to chicken yard removed and missing. It might not have been a two legged predator that killed my hens but it was a two legged predator that removed the lock and kicked the door open. I'm sorry for your loss.
I've had similar massacres of my chickens 3 times over the years. Each time it was a dog pack. I don't or haven't seen bobcats or lynx here in the Midwest. (we're suppose to have bobcats around, but I haven't seen sign)

I'm so sorry
No question but that it was a dog. I looked out one day to see my neighbor's 10-yr old pit bull clear my 6' fence with room to spare--he didn't even need a running start--so it isn't much of an obstacle if they want to get in/out. Dogs also kill for the thrill of it as well and rarely eat or carry off what they kill. I doubt a bobcat or coon would have killed that many at one time. Even a weasel or mink stops before eliminating a flock in one attack.

I feel most sorry for you losing a breeding line. I went through that this spring when a weasel kill all the roosters in a line of EE/Americanas that I had been breeding for blue eggs for 24 years.
I'm sorry for your loss. That's a lot of birds to lose all at once. Can you lock the chickens in their coops at night? Or add some type of roof, even field fencing, to the top of the runs? Maybe a physical barrier would work better for you, to protect them, instead of just the hot wire. If you can't afford to upgrade all of the housing, maybe start with the birds that are most valuable to you and work on the rest as you can get to it.

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