I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

I want your dog! We do have 2 dogs and they barked and I went outside and saw nothing. I yelled at the dogs to lay down and be quiet. I went in the house and turned the AC on in our bedroom and didnt hear much more. The dogs will bark at anything but not attack.
dang that is just wrong and the dog was probably just playing with them and i would set up with a shot gun and blast the dogs head of the same he did with your chickens and i know there not even my chickens but im as mad as you ....i hope you get the dog........good luck........oooohhhh please shoot the dog:fl
Assuming your fence is privacy fence How about taking a cheaper method and building a second fence made of chicken wire or hardware cloth on the top of the fence build it using your posts as support and building a protruding frame heading out. think of a chain link fence with barbwire you know how the barbwire supprt beams angle out. well this creates a block so that even if a predetor could reach the top of the wood there face would smack into it and unless it can manage to turn itself like spiderman and crawl upside down. (chicken wire wouldnt support its weight) it wouldnt be able to get in. since i seem to have confused myself I can send you pictures of what I mean if need be.
great minds think alike

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