I woke up to a mess.Dead birds everywhere!Graphic! UPDATE!

Oh yeah, when there's chicken noise at night there's trouble. I told my husband that so he'd pay attention. One time the gate to the chicken coop swung shut so nobody could get in the roost at night. There was some chicken commotion going on there. And wouldn't you know it, that rooster of mine came up onto the front deck and to the door of the house to let us know! My husband goes, "hey what's going on with Red, he's on the front porch!"
I just want to add my condolences as well. And that I hate getting up in the middle of the night, grabbing my Walther and walking the yard, just 'cause some critters are carrying on. But every time I drag my sorry, sleepy, cranky tail out there, there is good reason. Well except for when the Chihuahuas yap - half the time they bark it is because a goat farted.
Nice GSD , they are great dogs and very easy to train.

Wild predators don't kill birds and leave them lay.Well without eating some of each. That was a dog attack, sometime they are just playing with them.
I will agree to disagree on that statement. Opossum, racoons, fox, and coyotes are animals who will along with some ocean predators. There were heads missing on a couple and we all know that is a racoon trait.

I am glad you like the protector. He is the brother to my girl. I fostered thier mother last year and they all were in contact with my chickens at 4.5 weeks old. They had a big window thier puppy pen was next to and could see the ladies a good 4 hours per day. The girls would offen peck at the glass and say Hi to the puppies.

Here is a picture of my girl with Cheatah. This chicken doesn't put up with any guff! She cracks me up.

Hey everyone,
This is an update. We believe the critters were caught. There were 2 dogs that were spotted killing some ducks down the street the same night mine were hit. Well I heard that someone got them. Not sure if they went to the pound or shot them. No problems lately. We now have a fence like 8 to 9 feet tall and a big flood light on at night and our dogs are now out side. Gun is loaded on the hutch waiting a kill.

I want you all to know I am so amazed with you ALL! The email,calls,offers of free hatching eggs,chickens like copper marans,BLRW,Coronations and more. Also offers to borrow chickens to get the eggs and the camera offers to use until I get the critters. I did take someone up on an offer of 1 breed I could not replace but the other offers I didnt need because I did have some chicks and eggs in the bator yet. Last night I about fell off my pc stool when a paypal notice came up. someone here sent me $ to get a camera. All I could do was cry and tell her thanks so much! I did not post to get free stuff I posted because you folks understood my pain and I am so glad I have you to go to. I have a camera picked out and will order it Monday after I call the camera place and make sure it will work with my set up here on my farm. I hope I can someday return the kindness you have all shown! Even just the notes that said they understood helped me so much! Things have been tough and to buy more fenceing was hard because my hubby last his job last year. But you do what you need to do. I will not post names of the people but you know who you are. My family appreciates you so very muchand so do I. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are all so special.
Anna Ballard
Redroosterfarm, I'm so glad to hear this. I've been following this story and was also so sad to hear of your loss, and so encouraged by the show of support from our BYC family.
Way to go BYC!!!

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