IA here

Southern Iowa here. Just wanted to say hi. Getting 25 new babes Friday morning. Can't wait! We have some chickens now but have wanted to get some new breeds. My daughter is 6 and is just as obsessed with chickens as I am. What a great hobby for us. We wanted to wait until spring to get new babes but my daughters very special araucauna hen died Sunday and I had to do something to make it better. We have both cried all week. She was such a great chicken. My daughter had taught her to do tricks....no kidding! She ate some of my peace lily on the deck and died the next day. We are getting 5 of each....polish, silver spangled hamburgs, cochins, golden laced waydonettes, and buttercups.
It is sad to hear about your daughters hen.
I would be happy to bring one of my EE pullets for her to check out, to the Iowa City show should we go. I have to say EE because there is a controversey(sp) about EE and Auracauna. I purchased them as Americauna/Auracana but... Whatever! They do have tail feathers but are so colorful and docile. One of the pullets looks like a silver eagle with a white collar. The other two I call sisters because they are more reddish / tannish. I'm sorry I don't know all the proper color names as of yet. the two cockerels are, Jack Black, all black except for some flecks of white when he fluffs up and the other is sort of a patchwork quilt kind of guy.
The silver spangled are really neat looking birds.
I am thinking about picking up a couple of modern games. Any idea who might have some for sale or trade?
Better run off to work now. I work the late shift next three nights.
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I called like 11 hatcheries trying to find chicks to ease my daughters pain before I got some she wanted. Welp here in Iowa has chicks. They come from New Mexico. I just hope they all arive safe tomorrow. My father in law works at the post office so I will get them ASAP. I probably won't sleep tonight I'll be so excited.!!!

It was just taken 2 days before she passed. This is Lady Bird. She was Araucana mix of something. Her tuffs were very small. She would wait every day for me to come get her out of the hen house. It's depressing to go out there and not see her. She would actually run up to us and want to be held.


This is a pic of my rooster Hercules. He's such a funny guy.
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Sorry to hear about your hen - that is very sad. I am sure your daughter will just love the new chicks to pieces though. Hopefully that will help lift her spirits (and yours!)

I think we are going to the Iowa City show but I probably won't bring anything to sell because I don't have purebreds to sell right now. I will probably be looking at the birds for sale though. It will be fun to see what's there, and I usually can't resist buying something...
I would love to be able to post some pictures but, I cannot figure out how to accomplish this. I have tried the methods on the FAQ but nothing happens. Anyone have a suggestion, or an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
What happens when you try to post a pic? Does it just say the image code?

I'm from Iowa, I live in the Quad Cities.
If I recall, it does nothing. I put in the file and it did or does nothing. I will try it again from home. I am at work now. It might take a day or two to get it done. Thanks for your help!
Well I'm new at this too. I finally figured it out. I uploaded my pics where it says up load on top tab and then selected the url or whatever it is called....highlight it is what I did....I think. lol then I left clip to copy it and went back to my post and pasted it in my message. I'm pretty sure thats what I did. Like I said I'm new too.

By the way post office called at 7 this morn and all chicks are doing well....so cute. Daughter was very pleased. She was amazed that some already had feathers and fur on their feet and the polish are already showing fluff on their heads. What excitement!

I will try to get pics asap.
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All are eating and drinking and doing well. Had to share a couple pics of these little darlings.

little polish....look at its furry head

They couldn't guarantee the polish would all be pullets...I hope so....really don't need more rooster. I bet I could find them a good home if they do end up being roos.
Hope all is going well with the babies. Today I will attempt, yet again to post some picks, just to see if I can actually accomplish it!
In other news, the Hutchinson, MN poultry and waterfowl show is this Saturday the 25th. I was amazed at the size of the New Ulm show, and I am told this one is bigger. Judging starts at 9 am on Saturday. I am also told there will be a sales area, outside. If you can, you should make an attempt to go and bring some stock if you want to pare down for the winter. Exhibitors will be cooping their birds begining on Friday the 24th afternoon. You will see some amazing things if you've never been to a show. I have not decided if we are going up on Fri. or Sat. We always stay overnight so the boys can swim and all that stuff. Hopefully the weather will hold one more week!
Responding to your email, Iowa City show is the last weekend in November. 28th and 29th? Check for sure in the "Shows and Events" forum.

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