IA here

That is the first time I have ever seen barred rock frizzles! They do look like you woke them up and on the wrong side of the bed too! Just joking! You're right, if he is a he, looks like a mighty handsome guy!
OMG!!! they are too cute, I love frizzles. I hatched some out earlier this year but the cats got the brooder open:(
CLAIRE! I am soooo jealous - I tried to get a rust colored bird from my dipsy eggs but only got one chick to hatch and it is blue barred
I have Jet who is a barred frizzle cochin also - she is one of my favorite girls. She doesn't look very barred until you lift up one of her wings or blow through her feathers.

Apbgv - the seramas should be hatching between tonight and tomorrow. I know that one is pipped into the aircell. 5 possibly 6 developed all the way to day 16.
STEPH!!! You know I am totally willing to trade with you! You get first dibs if you tell me what you want before I take 'em to the show! After all, you did give us Elvis and Tarzan (btw Elvis appears to be starting to use his foot again, so maybe he will get better).
Claire: The chicks we got fit right in the bunch we had. My daughter just cuddled them all night and then we took them outside and they cuddled right up to the others. Thanks for them!!! That silkie is really sweet.
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mrandmrschicken: Sorry we missed you. We got there early and saw everything, got our chicks and daughter was ready to go. She was so excited she just wanted to go home and play with them.
Got home a few hours ago, It was great to finally meet some of the people that I have read posts from. Lots of snow today, they let us go at 10:30 which was fine as I have not slept well the past few nights and have been fighting a dumb headache all weekend. still enjoyed the show though both my boys did great, and I cleaned up at the raffle bought 6 tickets and won 4 of the items.
I never win anything. Got the "kids" settled in. My new frizzle from Claire and a black cochin pullet from Pat Lacey, cuz I needed another chicken like a hole in the head. My serama eggs from Marilyn-Fox Hollow are all settled in the bator:)
This is an open post to all from the show:
It was truly nice meeting all of you at the show. Sparkle laid an egg, just after you left and I wish I could have given it to you! Okay, here is a pic of the little serama that we hatched at the hotel, after we got home. They are tanning for the first time. I don't think six out of nine is too bad for our first hatch. The put together brooder worked great! I did not get a cochin from the back room, I missed my chance and could have kicked myself ARGGH. I had it in my head that the doors did not open until 9:00 on Sunday!!! I suppose I'll have to hatch half a dozen. Please send me that pm with your address to send some serama eggs if you still want some. I'm happy to help, unless you want to drive up and pick up a chick! See the photo again and again!
We did not walk out with any trophies or ribbons. All of the birds but one, scored a 1 with a BV and a BB. Sparkle got a 5 but she is still a little sweetheart and a mommy.
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Great to meet so many BYC folks at the show! I'm so glad I went. I wanted to come home with a few chickens but was kind of disappointed that so many of the birds were in trios and pairs. I didn't really want any more roos.

LovesmyChix - So pleased that your daughter loves the frizzle and silkie - they are fun chicks and I hope they are both hens as we suspect, but like I said, if there are any crows, let me know and I will trade you out for a different one.

APBGV - great to see you again, and let me know how the frizzle looks as she gets older. I'm excited to see my frizzle roos grow up, but I think I'll have to sell them off at some point. Too many roos here! Congrats on your raffle wins - sounds like you need to play the lottery!

Mr&MrsChicken - great to meet you as well and pleased to hear about your birds doing well. Sparkle was a darling even though she didn't win the big prize. I wish we could have had her egg but it might have gotten cold while we were shopping. I'm sure pbjmaker will PM you about eggs. Those serama babies are adorable and look like they need a lot of cuddles! I volunteer!!

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