IA here

What little sweeties. I can't believe my chicks are 7 weeks already. I am so bumbed I didn't get to meet you and your family. I looked and looked for your description and 2 boys.
I even asked a family that had two boys with them. There will be another chance. Like I said.....I would have stuck around for another hour or two but daughter was in a big hoot to get going with her new babes from Chooks.

Farmgirlie: Nice to meet you also. It was kinda of a hi and bye and I felt bad, I wish I could have sat down and enjoyed everyones company for a little while. Daughter is going to have to learn a little patience. We had been there for 2 hours though.
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I am sorry also we did not touch base, your daughter would have loved the new chick pics I had on the camera, and would have loved seeing the birds we took to the show even if they did not have leashes on!
Also, i was not able to meet up with Wren. I did not think to ask anyone if she was around. I did meet Clay and his son. His son had ear plugs in! That is a good idea actually, it can get noisy! Hope Clay got to see some Wellsummers. Wren if you're out there, how did you do with your moderns? We never got our cookies!
Just kidding.
Do they print out a detailed sheet of the final rankings or ratings?
It was Fun. Got to meet a few BYC Peeps.

Got to meet Mr of mrandmrschicken and his beautiful birds. My son was rather overwhelmed by the roos competing for attention. He turns 4 in January. I was actually impressed that he did as well as he did. Thanks for letting him feed Lavern (I think ) he's told the story of "feeding the chicken" about 50 times now. I think he liked it.

I did get to see a few Welsummers. Very nice birds. Unfortunately I couldn't locate the breeders.

I was hoping to bump into wren. She said she knows someone with some very nice Black Austalorps. I'm more than happy to buy locally (in Iowa) if I can.
I am in the lonely southwestern corner of Iowa about 40 miles east of Omaha on I-80.

I raise Black Coppers, Sebastopols, Dewlaps, Miniature Silver Appleyards, Mandarins and Ameracaunas.
Hi everyone,

I didn't see anybody there! I was really busy running around like a maniac so maybe that's why. I let two little girls pet my sister's really big cornish rooster. He's so scarey looking I had to assure them that it was okay and demonstrate. So cute.

Did anyone get any birds they wanted or find a way to get them?

Hey Mother;
We live in the Okoboji area.

I was able to find a cochin finally! About an hour from me is a breeder. Going there on Sat to check it out. He has what I'm looking for.

Also, one of the last two baby serama is pipped. 21 days is tomorrow, maybe he'll be out late tonight. Last one is due on Fri.

I have seen the Toulouse but not double chinners! They look so big!
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