IA here

While I haven't ordered chickens from them, I've gotten seeds from Sandhill Preservation and it's located in Iowa. Unfortunately they do have a minimum order of 25 chicks but if you find someone to split them with they'd be doable, and I've heard decent things about their birds. http://www.sandhillpreservation.com/ I've also had good luck with ottjumper.
(My pullets are doing great, and the Marans looks like she's thinking of laying)
That's great Gryphon! I hope you get some good eggs out of them!
I am east of you a ways, near Mason City. I will be hatching chicks in March and
April. I have Lavender Ameracauna, Lavender Orpington, Blue Lace Red Wyandotte, Silkies, RIR.
There are Swap meets in the spring as well, HUGE one near Cedar Falls on April 6, you can find anything and everything you might want there.
Hi Iowans!! I am in north central Iowa in the teeny town of Whittemore! I am a newbie at all of this, we have our coop all planned out and the materials ready, hoping to build this coming weekend! The problem I am running into is the minimum orders that a lot of the websites mentioned on here for ordering chicks, I am planning for a maximum of 10-12 chicks total-ideally I would like broiler-types to use for meat, and the other half I would looove to find some really good layers to keep through the winters. I tend to buy everything locally to support around here, but its looking like that's maybe not an option! Are there any good suggestions out there as to what I should look into? Websites, hatcheries, local farmers-any suggestions welcome!! Thanks all!!

Too bad you missed the seminar/workshop in Estherville, yesterday the 15th. It was for 4-H but anyone could have attended. Two breeders were there including myself with birds for sale.
We live in Milford IA and raise bantam showbirds but the other seller, had Hy-line layers, broilers, and other dual purpose stock for sale at reasonable prices. You may want to check with your county extension office. You also are not far from Welp, who could supply you with broilers. I would stick with a cold weather hardy bird if you are just looking for eggs for the winter. Many heritage brreds are available from quality breeders in Iowa.
I need fellow Iowan advice. I have 4 Chicks (2 tolbunt polish, 2 swedish flower hens) all born on Dec. 30th.
When would it be ok to put them outside?
I am thinking of putting them in the unheated garage with a heat lamp for about a month before they go into the coop.
The coop does have a heat lamp and is winterized, I just spoil my birds.
They all have their feathers in, well except the polish are still working on their head dresses.
I need fellow Iowan advice. I have 4 Chicks (2 tolbunt polish, 2 swedish flower hens) all born on Dec. 30th.
When would it be ok to put them outside?
I am thinking of putting them in the unheated garage with a heat lamp for about a month before they go into the coop.
The coop does have a heat lamp and is winterized, I just spoil my birds.
They all have their feathers in, well except the polish are still working on their head dresses.

Put some picks up. I bet they would be ok it's going to be warming up. Well hopefully
While I haven't ordered chickens from them, I've gotten seeds from Sandhill Preservation and it's located in Iowa. Unfortunately they do have a minimum order of 25 chicks but if you find someone to split them with they'd be doable, and I've heard decent things about their birds. http://www.sandhillpreservation.com/ I've also had good luck with ottjumper.
(My pullets are doing great, and the Marans looks like she's thinking of laying)
what/who is ottjumper? I'm always looking for new/local peeps to buy chickies from!
Hi Iowans!! I am in north central Iowa in the teeny town of Whittemore! I am a newbie at all of this, we have our coop all planned out and the materials ready, hoping to build this coming weekend! The problem I am running into is the minimum orders that a lot of the websites mentioned on here for ordering chicks, I am planning for a maximum of 10-12 chicks total-ideally I would like broiler-types to use for meat, and the other half I would looove to find some really good layers to keep through the winters. I tend to buy everything locally to support around here, but its looking like that's maybe not an option! Are there any good suggestions out there as to what I should look into? Websites, hatcheries, local farmers-any suggestions welcome!! Thanks all!!
There is county line hatchery too. I go to schlecht hatchery a lot, but there N of me in Miles, IA. I too like to shop local. Also, farm and fleet usually does a chick days sale where you can order as few or as many as you like, cause everyone's order comes on the same day. I've never ordered through them, but it would be an option. They have lots of different varieties.
I need fellow Iowan advice. I have 4 Chicks (2 tolbunt polish, 2 swedish flower hens) all born on Dec. 30th.
When would it be ok to put them outside?
I am thinking of putting them in the unheated garage with a heat lamp for about a month before they go into the coop.
The coop does have a heat lamp and is winterized, I just spoil my birds.
They all have their feathers in, well except the polish are still working on their head dresses.

I would recommend putting them in the garage with a heatlamp. If it's a sunny day, get them by a window so the sun can shine on them, they love it! And you can turn the light off for awhile. As-long-as your garage is protected from constant drafts, they will be happy, harden and thrive! Make sure you keep there brooder free of moisture and clean.
what/who is ottjumper? I'm always looking for new/local peeps to buy chickies from!

Ottobjumper, is Emily ....she lives in manly and may be able to help you out. She posts on the Iowa Blue thread and has a website you can link to. Super nice people!

Website: rosewoodacres.weebly.com
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