IA here

I too started out with a mixed flock, and still have one. Each breed has it's special appeal. I focus on Iowa Blues however, and do have eggs and chicks available. I live near Belle Plaine, 39 miles west of Cedar Rapids. PM me if I can help.
I know someone who has a handful of iowa blue roo's. Lives in henry county. If interested, I'll give him a buzz.
Hello Fellow Iowans, I am new to the chicken world. I live near Iowa City and I am looking to start a backyard flock. Does anyone have any words of wisdom? (I have thoroughly read the learning center) Does anyone have tips of where to get chicks locally? I have found breeders and hatcheries scattered around and supply stores with hatchery chicks, but I would prefer to buy more locally if I can. I am very interested in Iowa Blues, Salmon Faverolles, and Americaunas or Easter Eggers. That said, since this is my first flock, I am open to suggestion.
I have always liked the Wyandotte. I have had a few different breeds of LF, and the wyandottes have performed as well, if not better, than even the red stars. They have a much better disposition, and I even had one go broody once! My roo is a silver Wyandotte and he's going on 3 years strong. And my favorite hen is a golden Wyandotte going on 3 years and still laying consistently! When I need to get more hens, I'm defiantly sticking with the Wyandotte. And there are a few different colors so you won't have a bunch of the same looking birds.
Just wanted to share that I now have 5 out of 6 birds laying! Just today I got my fourth brown egg from the Cuckoo Marans I bought from Ottbjumper, her very first egg wound up being 60 grams! While it's not super dark, it's still the darkest egg from any of my layers and has darker speckles on it. Now I just have to see what my last EE (which I also got from Ottbjumper) will lay!

On the left is a cream colored egg from my Buff Orphington, on top is a nice brown from my Light Brahma, the pink egg on the right is from my Black Australorp, and on the bottom is my Cuckoo Marans egg. Humph. At least my chickens are convinced that spring is coming any day. I'm still skeptical.
I am only just starting to get a few eggs now, not enough to collect and incubate for the Waverly swap, this will be the first year I haven't taken any chicks in many years. This cold weather just doesn't seem to give us a break and the swap is earlier this year. To top it off we are going on vacation for 12 days the end of April, so that means no buying any babies either = NO FUN! Glad to know there is another one in June.
Hello Fellow Iowans, I am new to the chicken world. I live near Iowa City and I am looking to start a backyard flock. Does anyone have any words of wisdom? (I have thoroughly read the learning center) Does anyone have tips of where to get chicks locally? I have found breeders and hatcheries scattered around and supply stores with hatchery chicks, but I would prefer to buy more locally if I can. I am very interested in Iowa Blues, Salmon Faverolles, and Americaunas or Easter Eggers. That said, since this is my first flock, I am open to suggestion.

Any of those 3 would be great starters! Seeing as how our winters..Most especially this one..are quite cold I would research on breeds that are hardy in the cold. Ones without very large combs that are prone to frostbite and such. We usually order hatchery chicks in the past but we're lucky enough to find someone locally through craigslist . There will be many more people starting to sell chicks that way as spring approaches. It's a great resource however you have to be extremely careful. Some people have no problem selling you sick chickens!

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