IA here

We are looking for some as well. I found midget white poults on CL for $10/ chick. The only other place I've seen them is the theisens in Coralville lol the feed store waid we cold order them but you have to order 20!
For those of you looking for Iowa Blues based on the traditional birds, check out the breeder list on the Iowa Blue Chicken Club website. I'm not sure what the hatcheries are breeding for, but Iowa Blue chicks should not be black. If you see those, steer clear.

Kind of like Ameraucanas, if you want a true Ameraucana instead of a mixed breed Easter egger that lays colored eggs, buy from a breeder. I'm not a snob, mind you. I love my EEs and raise more every year, but I have SQ AMs too, and there is a big difference!!

My Iowa Blues don't look much like they did when I got them from Welp and Privett 6 generations ago.
These girls were born brown with mottling and are the traditional Silver variety. Sorry for the dark picture.
Those are some beautiful chickens.
Those are some beautiful chickens.
Thanks! I just love them
They are really busy this year. I have about 100 eggs cooking right now.

These are both Iowa Blues, the one on the right is what I started with. I know longer raise those, but if someone is looking for some frisky free range birds I have a bunch of them.
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We are looking for some as well. I found midget white poults on CL for $10/ chick. The only other place I've seen them is the theisens in Coralville lol the feed store waid we cold order them but you have to order 20!
Yikes! Have you tried the Kalona sale barn? I think on Wednesday mornings they sell eggs. I don't know if anyone brings turkey eggs or not. My dad used to go there and I would meet him in the summertime, but neither of us have been in a while. I'll ask him To check and see if their are any and how much $ they are running. But I know he won't go there until it warms up.
Yikes!  Have you tried the Kalona sale barn? I think on Wednesday mornings they sell eggs. I don't know if anyone brings turkey eggs or not. My dad used to go there and I would meet him in the summertime, but neither of us have been in a while. I'll ask him To check and see if their are any and how much $ they are running. But I know he won't go there until it warms up. 

Well gee I never even thought to check there duh! My husband is the one thinking we need some turkeys but we're about to have our 3rd little so I think I've convinced him that we should stick with chickens for this year =P
Hello all. This is my first time with chicks, and forums. I'm just a little lost :D We reside just outside of Cedar Rapids. We bought chickens and were doing some research beforehand and kept coming across this page. Now were the happy owners of 6 red pullets (from tractor supply co). Little to my knowledge there was such a large group of fellow chicken lovers so close. So excited for what's to come.
I went to college in CR for a couple of years, ahh, the city of five smells. ;)

You'll find this site is incredibly informative, and the members are very helpful.
Just curious- what is everyone's plan of attack with the up and down temps that are the norm of Iowa springs? I have 9, 8 week old chickies that are growing like weeds! We built our coop right next to the garage, nice and protected from the elements, and in all honesty we really could put a couple heat lamps inside, all the girls are for the most part feathered out and kind of causing chaos in my basement LOL! Think it would be alright to move the girls out here in the next few weeks or should I wait until its more even keyed temps!? Thanks in advance!!
They should be fine outside. I have some chicks that have been outside for awhile. One thing I do suggest is putting some terramycin or coloidial silver because tis the season for colds and respitory distress

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