IA here

Any one going to the Waverly Swap this Sunday? I am looking for a peahen. I have a peacock that is 3 years old now and quite the beauty, he needs a girlfriend. I have had bad luck keeping my girls.
My sister and I will be heading out about 9. We live in central MN, so it'll take time to get there. My sister does have peafowl but I'm not sure if she is bringing any to sell. There usually are some there though.
How's the weather been down there?
Anyone out there with chickens in Sioux City? We are moving to Sioux City from North Carolina. We have six chickens who we love and would like to bring with us. We would love to have any information. issues we are concerned about are:

1) can we even have them here? looks like we have to have a permit. how serious are they about this? can we move and then get the permit? also says they have to be 150 feet from a residence, but we have that here and as long as you don't have a rooster no one cares, not even animal control.

2) the cold. our chickens are southern ladies. they live in an open air coop year round. what will they need?

3) anyone ever transported chickens 21 hours driving? are we crazy?
No, you're not crazy! lol At least no more insane than the rest of us! Your girls should travel fine in a large dog crate, or even in a couple of boxes, as long as they have ventilation, some feed and drink now and then. The weather is finally breaking toward warmer temps, the overnight lows are going to be in the 40's from now on, or so it appears, until the next warm up which will be soon.
I would check with your City Administrator, or whomever issues the licenses/permits about brining your girls but I don't see it being a problem. Have your answers ready before the questions are asked!
I do not live in Sioux City, but 1 1/2 hrs. Northeast.
The girls should acclimate to the temps here, what breed are they?
I am sure there are chicken owners closer to or in Sioux City but don't know of any on this thread??
Thanks for responding! My kids are going to be really happy if we can bring the girls. We have 2 orpingtons, 1 wynadotte, 1 black australourp, 1 poland, 1 easter egger.

I'm assuming they'll need a new kind of coop, but not until the fall.

I'd love to connect with any Sioux City chicken lovers - are you out there?
I made it to the "Waverly" swap. Very nice day.. no mud! Good turnout, I don't think as many as last year, but it was kind of early and we had such a tuff winter, but in all lots of choices....not so many chicks.
I did buy a pair of really nifty chickens....Maraduna Basque, they are beautiful.
I have Lavender Americauna and some excellent Blue Lace Red Wyandottes that are laying nicely now. I am not able to incubate anything until mid May d/t vacation plans in a couple weeks. I live outside the Mason City area, please PM me if anyone is interested in some fertile eggs, just broke 8 for supper tonight, ALL fertile.
Thanks for responding! My kids are going to be really happy if we can bring the girls. We have 2 orpingtons, 1 wynadotte, 1 black australourp, 1 poland, 1 easter egger.

I'm assuming they'll need a new kind of coop, but not until the fall.

I'd love to connect with any Sioux City chicken lovers - are you out there?

All those breeds will do well in this colder climate, but yes, you'll need a building with good ventilation for them this winter. If you want them to lay all winter, you'll also need a light source. They need 14 hrs. of light to continue laying. However, this winter, even with the extra light, most of my chickens quit laying due to the extreme cold.

Let us all know how the trip goes.

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