IA here

I am looking for Sex Links, I have no idea how to find anywhere near me (IL QC) that sells the female chicks in quantities of less than 25 with crazy shipping charges. Help please?
Schlecht Hatchery in Miles, IA. It's one of the few hatcheries left that you can go and pick up chicks. She's always got sex links from about now till fall. And sometimes, (if you don't mind paying more), she'll have some that are 10-12 weeks old. The four I currently have, I got at 10 weeks and I LOVED not having to raise them from chicks! She has a website, but it doesn't have all the chickens she has for sale. I always call about a week to two weeks ahead of when I want chicks.
Can anyone confirm? Looks like the Waverly exotic swap is being moved to Waverly Sale barn.
Anybody have any specifics?
We always go the night before, the Antique Acres was so nice for that, not sure if we will able to do that there?
Super glad I could let my hens into their run today. They all clamored down their ramp and begged to be petted, with the exception of a rescue hen I got when she was 10 weeks. She was one of about seventy and they only had about 20 sq. ft. of room. Her sister, Hedwig, is the sweetest little bird ever, and loves a attention from me and my family. Hope everyone is enjoying the iowa "BALMY" weather. I hope this fog goes away, though. Driving was a nightmare.

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