IA here

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather! My girls were super excited to roam the front lawn and snatch up any grass blades they found. Yesterday I got five eggs from all five hens. :)
New peep here (Howdy!!) - we are located in Des Moines and are getting ready to receive our first flock members around April 6th. YAY! Now if I can just stay away from the various farm stores until then
Welcome City-Chickee! We live in Milo and just had some Rhode-bars hatched yesterday by their momma and have a hatchery surprize that will be her by the first couple of days of next month. Goodluck staying out of the farm stores!
Welcome City-Chickee! We live in Milo and just had some Rhode-bars hatched yesterday by their momma and have a hatchery surprize that will be her by the first couple of days of next month. Goodluck staying out of the farm stores!

rgoodwin. Is that a cottonwood tree in your avatar? Looks like it has some massive bark sections. Cottonwood bark is fun to carve on.


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