IA here

Whenever I switch my chickens to a different feed (starter to layer) I add some of the new feed to their feeder along with some of the old. As soon as there is no more old feed, they are already okay with the feed. Plus, most of the ingredients and percentages are the same so it isn't a huge adjustment.
Whenever I switch my chickens to a different feed (starter to layer) I add some of the new feed to their feeder along with some of the old. As soon as there is no more old feed, they are already okay with the feed. Plus, most of the ingredients and percentages are the same so it isn't a huge adjustment.
Thank you ChickenGoesRuff, I'll make a note of that for when the time comes

So, went with the hubby to pick up a bunch of boards and posts to build our run Tuesday, got back home late. And then yesterday we had to go back to get different screws and brackets....and today it's been raining all day, and rain is scheduled for the next three or four days

He has named it our neverending project LOL
Well today when the rain let up for a little bit, and then again tonight we got a bunch done - hubby got two post holes dug and all the joists for the roof built - it's gonna be a a covered run. This thing is gonna be a tank LOL

I'm the official tool getter / nail giver / screw giver / painter / forman on this project - I'm sure glad he knows how to build stuff because I sure as heck don't know what to do.

I'll try to start posting pictures
I cant wait to see pictures! We started ours yesterday too. Ours will be portable. I'm hoping to let them free range as much as possible but we do have à lot of predators around here
When we built my chicken palace, my dad gave my sister the nickname "pocket". Bout sums up her job. It's hot and semi humid out near me today, so I took all the ice out of the freezer and put it in a plastic snow sled with some water. My silkie chicks and red rangers really enjoy it. Me lugging the stuff 300 yards.... Not so much.
Would love to see pictures of your guys' coops and runs! I just started building a few new portable coops since I seem to have more chickens than I do space for them.. can't imagine how that happened.. LOL
We're in the middle of town in Des Moines and it's still Wild Kingdom here LOL, I've seen possums, raccoons, hawks, eagles, groundhogs. Not to mention all the normal critters - cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, birds...it's crazy
When we built my chicken palace, my dad gave my sister the nickname "pocket". Bout sums up her job. It's hot and semi humid out near me today, so I took all the ice out of the freezer and put it in a plastic snow sled with some water. My silkie chicks and red rangers really enjoy it. Me lugging the stuff 300 yards.... Not so much.
Aww I bet they appreciated it though :)
Would love to see pictures of your guys' coops and runs! I just started building a few new portable coops since I seem to have more chickens than I do space for them.. can't imagine how that happened.. LOL
I'm doing my best to hold back on my number of chickens :) have six currently. My coop is plenty big enough for them at 5 x 6, but the run is only going to be 4 x 8. Gonna have to do a lot of free range time in the fenced in back yard when I'm at home.

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