IA here

I ferment my feed and have a LOT less waste that way, even with the girls kicking it out of the feed pans. I also don't worry as much about their water intake, knowing that every time I feed them they're also getting water. During the summer I dump in vegetable scraps too. From what I've read here, if you raise meaties right you can end up with some very motivated scavengers, since they grow so fast they're constantly hungry. If you leave a huge bin of food in front of them they'll just park their butts and eat, but if you encourage them to forage they'll wipe out an area of bugs. ;) Some people have had a lot of success with feeding them fermented feed as well, and reported they weren't as stinky as meaties fed a standard diet. There's a few threads about it in the raising birds for food area.
Excited for my first 3 cochin hatching eggs coming on monday! Hopefully my leghorn, Scarlett, will stop brooding after they hatch! Any suggestions for a first time hatch?
I don't think so, though you can contact an administrator and they can do it for you. Tell them what thread and the post number in the upper right corner.
Is anybody interested in a 20 week old Iowa blue cockerel or bantam silkie cockerel? I'm trying to downsize before winter and can only keep 3 roosters for winter. Both are friendly and don't bother cats, dogs, or kids. They free range and get along with other chickens. Free if anybody wants them, otherwise I'll put them on craigslist.
Hello everyone, I'm new here and wanting to get some chickens within a year or so (once I talk my wife into it all
). I have always been go big or go home kind of person so I have been buying some land that buts up to my back yard so I have room to build a 5x12 coop/run and have lots of room for the chickens to roam. I'm from Des Moines and wanting to meet up and talk with people in my area.
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I'm doing my best to hold back on my number of chickens :)  have six currently.  My coop is plenty big enough for them at 5 x 6, but the run is only going to be 4 x 8.  Gonna have to do a lot of free range time in the fenced in back yard when I'm at home.

Hello, I'm in Des Moines as well. I saw you said you let them free rang in a fenced in back yard. I was wondering if you have issues with them getting over it?
Nope, except for the time my hubby put the cockerel on the run roof...don't ask, that's a completely different story

We've had no issues with them so far, 'course I sit out there with them and watch them - you can't beat chicken tv.

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