IA here

Hi Shelley,

Hey I know your name. I have the roosters listed on qc site. This place will fuel the addiction.

Did anyone see the posting of the mini geese. My dh actually said I could order some. I'm on the list for if any come available. Right now they are sold out. Now I have my eye on the silky ducks and the min appleyards. They are so cute.
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Welcome Shelly!
Hello everyone its been a while since I have checked on this post! Welcome to the new people!

I am posting though for something serious, I have a problem and I am hoping someone here might be able to help.
Last Nov. Me and My soon to be DH bought a couple of pygmy goats a doe and a wether. Now DH is out of work and we do not have the money to feed them right. We are out of Hay and I know that is very improtant for goats so I need to find a new home for them SOON!
I am offering them free to anyone on BYC I posted them in the buy sell area but only people interested are from out of state. Please can someone help me and take these two sweet goats.
The wether is not very friendly but I think if you spend some time with them he would be. The doe will be 2 in march and the wether will be 1 in march. We where told that the doe was used for 4H.
We call them Tempy and Seeley.

Please can someone help
They are FREEE!
Hi Melissa! I put the word out amongst friends and I will get back to you if I hear anything on the goats. Do you have any of the bantams that you wanted to sell last year still for sale?
I have Miniature Appleyards and I just put a bunch of eggs into the bator. Check back with me if you want some! I also set a few Sebastopols and Black and White Muscovies. I have Black Copper chicks and Ameraucanas that hatched yesterday.
Oh I want some appleyards as ducklings. I just found out your four hours away from me. I'll pm you.
Thank you all! Flashpointfarm is going to pick them up tomarrow THank you thank you thank you!
I don't know what I would do without all you here on BYC

WyanLuv I do have bantams still I am trying to get rid of. I just want to stick with the full size chickens. I have 9 hens of assorted ages and 2 roosters. as well as 3 white silky hens and 3 white silky roosters I plan to sell as well. Send me a pm if you are interested.

Thank you all again!

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