IA here

It's probably farther than an hour away, but Waverly has their swap this weekend, entirely worth the drive!! My sister and I come from the center of Minnesota (about 5 hour drive) and I know there are alot of people who come even farther. It is an excellent swap! Lots and lots of critters. http://www.poultryshowcentral.com/Waverly_Iowa_Exotic_Bird_Animal_Swap.html

Anybody else on here going?

I'm skipping both of the big poultry events in MN tomorrow to head down to Waverly. I live in SW MN and its about a 4.5 hour drive that is well worth it.
Hi all!

I would love to get a bunch of Salmon Favorelles this coming Spring. I'm close to Sandhill Preservation but unsure of their quality and a little concerned about getting straight run. Has anyone gotten Salmon Favorelles from them? Or does anyone know of someone who breeds them? In a perfect world I'd get a bunch of pullets and one roo. And of course, they'd be the lovely cream color I admire!

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
I ordered 20 salmons from step bergs online. They were all happy and healthy and are growing at a much faster pace than our other chickens
So of course I've had 2 leghorn production crosses (the ones that are never supposed to go broody) try to go broody in the past, but they all went broody in the summer. I guess my Iowa blue hens(Who are supposed to brood in the summer) didn't get the memo, because 3 of them went broody at the same time, right when we started having a cold snap.

One was easily found, guarding the nest box with her life (Even when my 11 pound red ranger climbed on top of her and laid an egg!) The 2 others mysteriously vanished. My RIR had injured her hip and the others were picking on her at night, but the garage door (to where her kennel is) was shut. Looking for her in the yard found me a different chicken (Louisa was actually behind the trash can), sitting on a clutch of 19 eggs in the middle of the lilac bush. There were 22 eggs, but 3 were unviable. Unable to find the 3rd hen, I put the 2 broodies in a separate, smaller coop. When refilling the waterer in the main coop, there was the growling of a broody hen, underneath the water table. (There's like a 4" clearance, but she dug out a nest) Of course on day 12 when I moved her, she fled for the hills and stopped brooding. But when I went to go adjust her eggs in the new coop-- *gasp* --they were gone! Because the other 2 hens stole them, and conspired to try and make me regret feeding and watering them.So of course they finally hatched 11 fluffbutts, and 9 hatched great(week 3 now!) the others: 1 had a genetic defect with the leg turning outwards and unable to stand, one just died, and one was in an egg that my dog thought would be a tasty treat, but started peeping at him when he (like a true lab) carefully removed the shell. It was a few days too early(but the eggs had been out from the hen at least 3-7 hours and It was in with some duds. It's gut hadn't been retracted, and it died a few hours later(in a brooder under the watchful eye of it's new "momma"). About a week later, I found the 3rd hen on eggs again, but this time they hatched. I collected her and her 5 babies and put them in a kennel before adding them to the brood coop. She jumped out and left her babies when the door opened 3 days later.
*Sigh*, this was the year I was going to wait until at least March 20th for chicks, but at least now I can cross some layers off of my list, with 3 boys and 9 girls (and only 3 are mixed breed). Lol my chickens....

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