IA here

la la la la la la la
I can't hear you!!!!

must not read about chickens, must not say I like chickens, must not talk about chickens...

chickens what chickens? oh you have ducks... hmmmm there is a small garden shed near the stock tank.....
Knoxville, checking in... Actually closer to Attica, but who in the world knows where that is? Just 2 years out here on the farm now. Fixing up a 20 acre farmsite that was sadly neglected. Converted a Hog feeder into a chicken coop this spring. Started a huge garden for the Farmer's Market. Looking now for some CHEAP bottle calves to get that started too. My man is the Schwan's man...so I guess that makes me the Farmer. and enjoying every bruise and bugbite..farming is THE life!!! No more punching a timeclock for this gal!!!
What to you mean with i dont have a lot mom?
im up to 15 and 2 geese now.
but im always in for more :)))
I know where that is. Didn't that area get hit with tornadoes last spring? Sounds like you got a plan. I live in a small town so I have some chickens. Grew up on a farm and I miss it.
Tornadoes...YUP..sorta. Tornado went bout 2 miles North of us, and East through Attica. I was on my way to work downtown DSM at 5am, caught the edge of the Tornado. It was raining mud! Felt like I was trying to drive in a mudslide. Scariest thing I ever drove in. Absolutely no way for the windshield wipers to clear the view. I had to stop the car, just praying that I was still on the road and not sitting in someone's yard. I am SO glad that I got laid off. No more commute to the big city. YAAAYY!!!

Chickens are addictive. I spend way too much time, just watching them. I wonder if calves will be the same way?

I am considering Muscovy ducks...but I am a little scared my kitten-killin dog will do the same for the ducks. I had to put electric fence around chicken yard after cat pulled a small one out, and dog ate it. (ate chicken, not the cat)
Psst! Hey newbie, look at these cute little chickies...
[URL]https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/23790_dsc05366.jpg[/URL] [URL]https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/23790_dsc05361.jpg[/URL]

oooh so cute -- must resist... got too many lil ones, ummm whats a few more.... must resist...
i luv baby chicks-what kind are they?
grrr... now see what you did:D

check these darlings out -

do you think they need friends?

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