IA here

Hi all. I haven't been on here in ages. I am going to Burlington early tomorrow morning to get a spot. We missed last month but heard it was really crazy and very busy with lots of great sales going on. I have ducks to sale, a ewe, and some art and stuff like that. Maybe I will see some of you there
I'm still debating whether to go also. I have about 20 juviniles to unload. Looks like most of them are roos though so it may not be worth the drive. I've heard those excess roos sell cheap. It's nearly a three hour drive to Burlington for me.
Yeah, I was selling a lot of birds last month in Burlington. My juvie roos were only getting $.50 each and mature ones for $3. At least I'm not feeding them anymore. So it was worth it.
Hello again everyone. I wish I could go to burlington but we have family stuff going on. I am looking for turkey poults and Goslings. Prefer any kind of turkey but the commerical whites. Goslings we are going for tame ones. I keep checking craigslist and the buy/sell forum here but never find any close enough. Was hoping maybe someone near me (Monticello) Eastern Iowa. Would have some kind of turkey or geese that could sell me babies or eggs even. Thanks
Hey Trish, Glad everyone/everything is alright. I suppose that you'll have roasted red peppers in that garden to eat tonight! Remember the insurance adjustor is not your friend... we learned this the hard way in a hail storm long ago. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

By the way everyone, had my first sweet corn on the cob last night. Very good... feels like summer now.
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Hi Michelle! I haven't checked this thread for soooo long but popped in today. The "little" ducklings have become big ducklings and big oinky pigs. It's weird how they seem to feather in parts of their body overnight. They went to bed last night with downy tummies and woke up with feathered tum-tums. They are so pretty and each one is totally different.

I really owe you something!

Want some baby roosters??

Our little patch of corn in our backyard is about 5 ft tall now! Can't wait!
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You don't owe me a thing, really. I might talk to you in the spring about some silkies (??) if son#2 wants an exotic for county fair. Tina will be too old by then, and she's not really show quality- she's just roll in the mud quality. LOL
I'm so happy that your duckies are doing fine. They smell to high heaven, don't they? It's good that they have so much personality to offset it!
Just got truck 1 packed up with all the non-live stuff. My dad is driving it up there really early and sleeping in the truck. Poor Dad! We are going to follow him a bit later with our ducks but have decided not to bring any sheep to sale. We'll sale them later on. Ashley is super sweet and we want her to go to a really good home. I hope it is worth it and we bring less stuff back home with us. I am not buying any poultry or other animals there. Well, unless there is an extra special chicken but it will have to be really nice for me to even consider bringing it home. The last ones I got @ Burlington had lice and mites I had to get rid of before they could even go in with my flock. I am not going through that again! Anyways... I better go rest awhile now.
glad to hear there was no fire with that strike... wish I could come see the fireworks - but gotta play blackout in the bingo tent at Farmers Day in Jesup

are you going to Walker? I might not... things keep coming up for tomorrow

Don't you know it! It would be interesting to hear of your trials and tribulations with your insurance adjuster.

Troy Mills got hit 3 weeks ago too. Our tree in our front yard came over top of the power lines from the light pole in front of our house to the pole on the road. It took the power pole in our yard down. The insurance adjuster asked us how old the pole was and said may not cover it because of it's age. (32 years old) You've got to me kidding me!? Who replaces their poles in their yard unless there's a problem??

Mmm, sweet corn. I'm jealous! We didn't get any in this year. I'll probably go buy a bushel and freeze some homemade cream corn.

We just made a batch of chicken corn chowder with one of the broilers we raised. Yum!!!


Haven't decided on Walker yet. We're canning this weekend and didn't get as much done today as we thought we would. We'll be back at it tomorrow!!

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