IA here

Quick update on my Premiere netting, the replacement wiring harness and tester arrived today and the fence appears to be working as it should. New chicks arrive tomorrow and later in the week. Now I can sleep (a little bit) easier.
I'm sure we've ridden a tram together at some point in our lives. You're not the "Old Mill Hill" gang, are you???!!!

We're taking the camper up on the 6th and then I'll prbly stay up there that weekend. It's kind of fun to walk around the fair before it's the fair. I'll be back for the duration on the evening of the 12th. I've got the neighbor boy to take care of the chickens but will prbly come home a couple times just to make sure everything is ok.

LOL - The Old Mill Hill gang is from Chariton. What a set up. Five kids (adults now w/children and grandchildren) - Donny, Lonnie, Connie, Ronny, Bonnie - wouldn't that be a mother's nightmare to spit out when you were trying to yell at one of them tee hee.
I'm sad. I had to put one of my pullets down today. I noticed one of my cochin pullets sitting in the corner. She had a bad prolapse. I took her in and washed her off and tried to fix her up. There were 2 eggs in the prolapse. One I could see the yolk through her skin. The poor girl's pupil in one eye was shaped really strange, jagged like. Maybe from pushing so hard? I tried to push it back in and get the eggs out, but I think I was just making things worse.

This pullet would have been the first Cochin to lay from my Cackle order last March. I still have 2 splash pullets from that batch. Hopefully they don't have such a hard time.
Hi Flashpoint, sorry about your loss.
They wrap there little claws into our hearts don't they? You did right by her.

On a different note-
Anyone want any Copper Maran Ameracauna cross chicks that are 3 weeks old? The hens will lay brown or olive eggs.
So sad...poor girl... but I will tell you the resiliancy surprises me. I had a chick get her eye 'pecked out' by a rooster and thought she was blind, but this week, she's running the roost. I hope the rest of your cochins are okay...
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Flash Point, I'm sorry for your loss. It's amazing how attached we can get -- and then we're reminded we don't own them, we share them and sometimes we have to give them back before we're ready.
Sorry for your loss. We had a massacre at our yard Monday...but we were the perpetrators. Every rooster we could find went into the freezer. They were picking at the hens something awful. Smallest one dressed out at 4.4 pounds. Next morning, I found the first eggs ever! 7 of them! The first one I cracked was fertile, and double yolked. The rest were not fertile. I wonder, would that egg have produced 2 chicks? Or would it have gone bad?
I need to do that too - or take them to a swap meet
4.4 pounds isn't bad, I wonder if the stupid roos in the yard would dress that big ...

cool on the eggs
We were real pleased at the size of our roosters. We had 3 of them dress out at over 6 pounds. We pulled out 13 of them. I think we may have missed a couple...but so far I haven't heard anymore crowing, so maybe they decided to lay low.
I was so excited to get my first eggs. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning!
I gave the hens a small pumpkin, a couple green tomatoes, and a zucchini this morning as reward. They thought it was candy!

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