IA here

This year, raccoons have been responding to cracked corn, in a pile, in my Havahart trap. Usually one a day or every other day. Last year it was sardines or fish. The occasional possum will take cantelope rinds. I have a skunk, too, but haven't figured out his/her favorite yet.
Yup, my hens gave me a scare this morning too. When I went to let them out for the day, they were already out! They had somehow knocked the screen off thier window and literally flown the coop! Fortunately, the window looks out into the chicken yard, so no predators could have gotten them.

I know about dogs and the garden, We had to put electric fence around to keep our squash, corn and tomatoes from the Lab.
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It is this sunday. No we are not going. Staying home this time. Tomorrow we are hoping to pick up a puppy that we are going to train to protect our animals. The kids are excited. Hopefully next summer I won't have a coyote/fox problem.
oooh, what kind of puppy? We've been drooling over an aussie for a while but waiting until we can move to a bigger place to adopt one.
I have some broodys wanting to hatch AGAIN. I have enough chicks. If anyone want some cute cute cute chicks I will be willing to meet you. If you give me an idea of what breeds you want I can put them under the hens tomorrow. Some may be mixed but some pure. Cheap. Mostly just take them off my hands. My flock is only hatchery stock for the simple fact I don't do the swap and trade stuff because of disease. See my siggy for breeds. I actually have sold all my "mohawk" chicks. They are spangled and polish and only have a strip on there heads. So cool.
But I can make more.

those sound cute but the folks here would kill me if i got some more strange birds... i have two frizzled naked neck hens that no one likes, they call them vulture freaks.
gonna be in walker tomorrow morning, thinning out the flock - it is getting too expensive to feed everyone
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I actually have sold all my "mohawk" chicks. They are spangled and polish and only have a strip on there heads. So cool.
But I can make more.


oh that chick is adorable! I'm hoping that I'll have some babies by month's end. Clay's roosters are settling in well - and growing fast! Still no ripe tomatoes here so I'm headed to the farmer's market in Davenport this a.m. Gonna be too hot today to weed (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it, lol)


Catherine (in Far East Iowa aka Illinois)​
just returned from farmers market in independence -- no tomatoes, very few cukes and a ton of... yes... zucchini!

i was good, i didn't contribute to the zucchini epidemic- just came home with swiss chard, garlic, patty pan squash and potatoes

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