IA here

My wellies are just starting to lay and are currently in a mixed flock. I don't plan to segregate till spring when the hens are a bit older. But here are a few picks of my birds.

This roo is the pride of my flock. I think he smokes all my BCMs. He still young (only 5 months) so I think he'll get even better when he matures. I'm AMAZED at how straight his comb is. From the back or directly from the front it almost disappears.

Her's one of my girls. They are so consistent I can't tell any of the 7 apart. I'm considering the possibility they are escapees from a cloning project.

I should have fertile eggs in the spring. I have the first 2 dozen spoken for if interested let me know.
What an absolutely gorgeous weekend we had in southwest Iowa. It was the annual Hot Air Balloon Weekend and we got the opportunity to ride in one of the balloons Saturday morning. We only live about a mile from the airport so also had balloons take off from our pasture yesterday morning. All I can say is WOW!!!


Getting the balloon ready to go up.


The view.


You could see for miles.
Anyone interested in pure bred split lavender Amaraucanas? These birds are all black. Matting them should produce some lavenders.

I have a Roo and two hens I'm thinking I should get ride of. If the hens aren't currently laying they will be soon. I can't tell B/C i have other blue egg layers in with them.
Clay -- the rooster is truly gorgeous. I have two Wellie roos right now. Neither have nice tailfeathers because my cuckoo marans rooster keeps pulling them out. I have only one Wellie hen right now, just a bit smaller than the one you show, but exactly the same coloring. That rooster is very nice, and perhaps if I seperated my flock then mine might be as well.

I got my eggs from Vicki2X2 on BYC. I have 18 more coming from Aussie Sharon this week so I'm digging the incubator back out. All of my Welsummers are very skiddish and fearful, and none of my other chickens are so much that way except the blue andlusians. They should know that I always come bearing gifts...raisins, tomatoes, etc... but they are still afraid.
Really.... my Two Wellie roos are first in line to take treats from my hand. That big boy runs right up and eats till he's full. As soon as they come up I'm mobbed by wellie hens and my BCM hens.

I have a Blue Orpington roo and 2 hens that stay away when other chickens are around. If your wellies are picked on I bet that's why they are skiddish. They are avoiding other chickens and not you.

Oh and thanks... he really is the pride of my flock. I can't wait til he really fill out and that tail develops more. You can still see a bit of juvenile fuzz at the base of his tail.

Oh and If you are getting eggs from Aussiesharon then you will have some of the same blood line I have. She got most of her birds from Christie Ritter who is the breeder I got my wellies from
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Oh, Clay...
What gorgeous birds you have
Who would have thought earlier this year that they would all grow up so nicely. I love the welsummers. What I hatched out is over at Trish's and they are very friendly girls. The roo's that she got from you are filling out too. Why aren't you hanging on to the split lavender ams?

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