IA here

Thanks, I'm very happy with him. I'm sure his brothers will be just as nice.

I'm giving the split lavs up because I only have the 3 and I'm just out of room. Like every true chicken junky I got more eggs about 3 weeks ago. I'm hatching some Buckeyes for sustainable meat production.

Wren I really have no interest in showing. At least not right now. With 2 boys under the age of 5, I can barely get my yard mowed. Hell I can barely find time to sleep. If I get 5 or 6 hours a night I'm lucky. All I need is another hobby to eat up time. I'd consider showing if they bring the Ohio National to my back yard..
Electric fence netting update

Hey all, I thought I would share my electric fence update. I've had the birds in the pen for about 8 weeks more or less. The fencing works as they say....and they do say that it will not keep chicks inside. I kept the chicks in a closed shelter for the first 2 - 3 weeks, then opened it during the day for them. As the chicks grew, most of the chicks were too big to get through the netting -- it has small openings at the bottom and larger openings a few rows up.

However, I ended up inheriting 10 smaller buff orpingtons and some of the smaller barred rocks quickly figured out they could hop up on the lower strands of the fence (and not be grounded) and the wiggle through the opening because as every animal knows, the grass always tastes better on the other side of the fence.

But rather than chase them, I found if I sort of circled back and forth, they got the idea and wold go back INTO the pen.

I'm using a day shelter -- and that means the shelter is open at night. I have lost a few birds to either owls or they wandered too far off.

I've had a raccoon or similar kill one bird right at the fence line...not quite sure how, and that same night, two other birds were dead in the shelter, perhaps fright as they had no trauma. Out of the 60 birds ordered, I have lost 10 -- nothing to brag about, but it's given me an idea for how to better manage next year's birds. I'm not fully sold on chicken tractors, basically a caged confined bird that gets fresh grass, but I think I can tighten the security of the shelter for next season.
Hi Clay,

Too bad you're not showing them. There is a push to get them accepted as a official color at that show. I ended up with 4 lav roosters and one hen.

Anyone sure they don't want my seramas? I've had a few inquiries but something comes up. I really need to get these guys placed/ I can deliver them to waverly sunday.
would like to find a couple d'anvers or d'uccles hens of course.
Empty Nest - what fabulous photos! Looks like it was a beautiful day!

Clay - your WS roo's brother, Lucky, is filling out too...he's BIG and gorgeous...Stu, the AM roo is still king of the coop, but Lucky has his own special fan club...he's so handsome, the girls can't resist him!

The Molt is underway here...feathers everywhere...never did get any of the girls to hatch eggs....they sit on them for about 10 days and then pffft, the eggs are busted up or just gone. I'll try again in the Spring.

Time for garden clean up today - Winter will be here before we know it.

I have a white showgirl cockeral, a young BCM roo and a cuckoo maran X BCM roo that all need homes ASAP. They are free to whomever would like them.

The white showgirl may be a mix with my frizzle hens, but he looks pure silkie. He is very calm and I noticed he has taken to breaking up baby chick "fights" by just walking between them and giving them a look. His dad is my alpha roo and has an absolutely wonderful personality.

The BCM is also a good flock protector. I had rounded up a bunch of chicks and put them in a cage and he stayed right by that cage all day making sure they were OK.

The cuckoo cross roo is only 8 weeks old but looks like he will be HUGE. He is bigger than all my banty chickens already. He has been handraised so isn't quite as flighty as the broody raised chicks.

I also have a bunch of chicks that need homes, all are crosses with my white showgirl roo.
Anyone go to waverly today? I didn't get any chickens the only few I wanted came with roosters, I can't have any roosters. But I did come home with a bunny why it was so cute and american fuzzy lop ear. He is very cute now I have to groom a rabbit haha. He needs a name now.
i went and took home a pair of show quality bearded white silkie bantams for only 15 dollars and 10 guinea keets(2pearl, 2buff, 1lav, 1opal, 1ivory, 2chocolates, and 1purple!)
Anyone somewhere fairly close to Eastern Iowa have any silkie hens they want to part with? I don't care what color, though I do have a soft spot for blue. No roos, just need some girls. I have a weenie rooster and don't want him to have any competition for a bit. Though he's an Orp so I hope that he'd be able to protect himself from a silkie!

PLEASE don't anyone tell me that there were gobs of silkies at the Waverly swap--I was totally planning on getting there but a few things came up and I didn't make it. Drat. I'm pretty sure that there aren't any swaps anywhere near here until next year--are there?


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