IA here

We had about the same - it melted though this afternoon. It is still chilly though.

We have one frizzle hen with hardly any feathers - she was naked, ready to roast most of the summer. The feathers are coming back in -slowly - but she was just shivering up a storm today. We brought her inside for awhile, then my husband took an old sock and made her a little vest. It seems to help.

He is such a goofball.
I from Eastern , Iowa. Between Eldridge and LeClaire. I am a Newbie with a Chantacler, wyandotte, manx rumpie, two polish and one mystery hen all about 3 months old. I also have 4 pearl and 2 royal purple guineas at 3 months of age ( only one female!), and 3 - 8 month old red copper marans. Also two horses, a goat and 4 dogs! Freezing here this am, but the chickens seem happy to be let out in their run! If it doesn't rain I may let them free range this afternoon!

It looks like the cold might be here to stay

Does an over abundance of guinea males cause problems like they do for chickens?
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Hi Iowans;

Have been catching up by reading some recent posts. It's been cold and windy and rainy here. Our first show in New Ulm got 3" of snow!
My busy season is finally coming to an end. Have been working on Pyncheons and will have some at the Iowa City show.

Anyone know what dates for the show?

Hi Eric,

I know about the show! The Eastern Iowa Poultry Show dates are November 28-29th, 2009. Of course you can coop-in after 2:30 on Friday the 27th.

Eastern Iowa Poultry Show has a website now! It's www.easterniowapoultryshow.com

See you there! I will answer any questions you may have.


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