IA here

Happy Turkey Day! I am really hoping to get to the show and have a look. I heard from a friend that there are so many sale coops already presold this year and they are going to be lots of show birds there also. I went last year and it was fun except for that part about waiting for someone who was bringing me some chickens and then didn't show up. This year I won't have that stress on me as I don't have anything pre-ordered to pick up at the show. It's going to a lot nicer weather then too. Sure is cold and windy today. I opened the barn door this morning but most of the chickens decided they wanted to stay inside out of the nasty cold wind. But the waterfowl are going for a swim in the mud puddles. LOL Crazy birds! Have a great turkey day everyone!
Was just at the Sharpless Center and helped the team set up for a time. There are over 1900 entries this year! Biggest show they've ever had. Coop in does not start until 2:30 tomorrow. I'll be back again tomorrow to help again. They will need it with all the extra cages to set up.

I hope to see a few of you there at some point over the weekend.
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When does everyone start getting busy with spring hatches or chicks? I'm new to this whole thing but am thinking people would be interested in both chicks and early layers once spring sets in and I might be able to start selling come spring...
I was just telling the hubby last night I might hatch out a batch toward the end of December (maybe Christmas chicks?) That way all the people who want POL pullets from me this spring will have them around end of March/April. My problem is keeping that many chickens for so long. I am only allowed 30 on my city lot and have 27 right now. As long as the others are 10 weeks and under though I can keep them - but where.... hmmmm

I'll work it out somehow.
I was looking at the website for the poultry show this weekend and it doesn't really give a time frame. What would be a good time to showup? I see there is a banquet at 6:30 so I am guessing morning or early afternoon?
Sydney and I will be there in the morning about 9 am. pbj. ur sizzle i got from you last year is broody again. Nut case! lol.
I would love to see BYC Peeps. I'm blonde in my early 30's with a 7 yr old gildd dark hair. Say hi if you see me. I will try to have a nametag.

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