IA here

I tried Stephanie but it couldn't break through the wintry clouds at 30,000 feet.

You might be setting yourself up for some seperation anxiety when it's time for, "soon to be formerly known as Bear", gets to move outside. However fresh green grass and bugs make them forget their childhood, and winter, in a hurry! Only Mother Nature knows when she'll start liking or accepting boys;).
Now that we are home, I have begun working on some top secret projects. What I need to get next is an ABA SOP!
How much would a bus ticket for Chubby Bubby be?

ETA: Did Chubby Bubby's eggs hatch yet? And if so, how do they look?
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why on earth would you come back to Iowa this time of year? LOL I've got the cabin fever so bad! Got a big old hog shed to convert into a nice big new coop before I can order my new peeps. Can't even start until the ground thaws so I can put some wire round the perimeter to keep out rodents. Going stir crazy!!!!
Draperies? !!! OMG, How could I have forgotten to include THAT in my coop budget?!!! My classy ladies have to have the finest brocades and silks! I think I may make them some nice comfey little nesting quilts too! LOL

But seriously now, My mom used to have a hen in the house...she (the hen) would sit atop the high cupboards in the kitchen and drop eggs down into the padded bowl that mom kept on the countertop. That hen could keep the meanest hound at bay, and Lord help the chihuahua that got in her way! She claimed the hen was litter trained, but from what I saw, that just wasn't so. That was many years ago...long before anyone thought of "bio-security" but to this day, I won't eat anything at her place until I personally wash the counters and dishes!!!
Aroseforheaven - we have a pullet living in our house....
and 19 chicks
and now a rooster with frostbitten feet...

ETA: Did Chubby Bubby's eggs hatch yet? And if so, how do they look?

Two of them hatched. One is a dark blue chick with the puffy face, the other one was light blue but my hubby tossed all the chicks together before I could mark them. Her face wasn't "chubby" so I don't know which one it is, there are a several light blue chicks.

I am thinking for the chick formerly known as bear the name Maybel because she was on my table today and I sang Maybel, Maybel strong and able, keep your poopies off my table!

I will post a picture of her tomorrow next to my bantam cochin we had in for a bath. Maybel is still really tiny. My cochin Sunny didn't like her and pecked her a good one on the head, but Sunny is just like that...

Chubby can stay here for now it's all good until the weather clears up.
Here is the picture of Maybel next to Sunny. Sunny is just your average fluffy bantam cochin and not that big herself. She looked like a drowned rat after her bath.


And this picture just made me laugh - if you have ever watched Family Guy where Chris goes "WHAAATTTT???" in slow motion, that is the way she headed at the camera. Maybe you had to be there...

It has begun!!!! I have Cochins hatching today! I promised my husband that I wouldn't hatch anything until the weather got warmer. I just can't help myself!
Sunny is quite the character and ain't nobody gonna mess with her babies when she has them! She has bruised my hand a few times when she is sitting or has chicks in tow. She doesn't like the paparazzi either - she was actually gonna peck the camera.
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The chicks are peeping along.... They are now living in a condo in the bathroom. The others are still popping out. I've gotten chicken fever now!

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