IA here

What kind are you hatching? I have some showgirl/silkie X frizzle cochin chicks, some BCM X cuckoo maran (all roosters!) and some silkie X EE that are about 3 weeks old now. The cuckoo chicks are HUGE.

I also hatched out some other marans on Saturday. They are mixed colors.
I am hatchin out some Cochins for FlashpointFarm. They are pretty fun to watch. Didn't know I would miss having the babies so much. I consider it my early birthday present from Trish, for letting me hatch out some eggs for her.
I love the size of my Cuckoo's. Maybe we can swap some out if you have purebred lines? Where did you get yours? I'm a big fan of that breed. The roosters are so laid back and fun to watch. I am going to be increasing my numbers of those this year. I noticed they are a bit slow to mature, but I really like those gentle giants. The roosters are easier going than my Cochin's.

I had surgery last week, so Cathy (Wyanluv) was kind enough to come over and pick up my incubator that had eggs in it that were in there for a week. It worked out perfectly for both of us. Plus it gives us an excuse to be on the phone all the time. He he.

I can probably send another incubator full your way.

I talked to Kyle more about the Cochins. We're going to cull the entire flock. I'm going to put my Cuckoo Marans in the Cochin pen. He doesn't want me to get Speckled Sussex. He says the BCM's I'm getting will be enough, and he's right. So then I'll have Welsummer's, Cuckoo Marans, BBS Ameraucana's, EE's and BCM's. Yep, that looks like enough to have on my plate when I write it down. I get hatching fever too!
Only 4 eggs left to hatch in the incubator and within the last hour another egg has pipped. You can tell when they hatch out, they start screaming and the girls go running for the incubator to tell them happy birthday.
So far, 6 bantam buttercups have hatched and still waiting for one more and 2 bantam Buckeyes. Buckeyes are slow hatchers. Have a large swap in MN this weekend to attend. Don't know if they'll be ready. Only one Buttercup had problems hatching and I caught it just in time! If anyone is looking for good layers for bantams, and nice birds, these are for you! PM me!
I only have one cuckoo hen and I have been crossing her with my BCM roo. I live in Des Moines so I have to limit my roosters. I plan on redoing my coop and building some pens this spring. At least with the hen being the barred bird I know at hatch what I have. Boys are barred and girls are solid black.

This is the rooster (Tank)

This is what his daughters have grown up to look like so far :
Head shot

body shot: the bad lighting in the coop washed out the black - her color is more like the head shot.

I have never grown out any of the roosters for more than 4 - 5 weeks so I don't know what they end up like but I imagine they bleed red in their hackles. I think it is where the golden cuckoos started from.
I have my Cuckoo Marans roo in the bathtub right now. Soaking his feet, they are cut up and infected. Maybe frostbite, I don't know. He's missing part of one of his toes. Poor guy. We'll get him fixed up.
Yeah mine spent the weekend inside because he had his toes all encased in ice. He keeps walking through the water bowl, so I switched back to an official chicken waterer. Looks like he is going to lose a toe himself plus his wattles and comb are a mess. Almost all the tips of his comb fell off yesterday so it is looking a little better. Pretty soon he will look like my EE
Same problem here with my BCM roo and my Welsummer roo. Both are looking a little rough after the deep freeze we had in January.

My Buckeye roo and hens didn't even notice the cold. But then they're bred for the cold.

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