IA here

We came back with the 4 almost 3 month old bantam New Hampshire Reds, which was okay, and 2 tiny chicks that were not for sale. Sadly, the one with the boot on his foot did not make it home. I think getting scrunched the night before was too much for him.

We also came home with the lovely and talented Ms. Chubby Bubby! She was kind enough to give her former landlord, Steph, an egg before leaving! Ms. Bubby is in her temporary flat until she can be be integrated with everyone else. She was a pleasure to have in the van, not a sound out of her.

Of course we did come home with a new puppy too! She is learning the ropes i.e., lawn as I type this. Oldest son has been instructed where to walk her. I use the lawn clippings for bedding for the birds and definitely don't want any "bonus" material in their litter.
Puppy is learning to go behind the furniture and that makes me very edgy, learning secret spots to do secret things and has already determined Lora's Crocs are a new chew toy?

Stephanie... I feel embarassed to ask but I forgot your daughters name. Please tell her thanks from us for looking after our stuff while we were out crawling around and of course keeping the puppy warm!
Her name is Amber but we just call her Ambrat or Amburger 'Elper in your case
She had a good time and is a good kid for the most part even if she is a teenager...

Crocs as a chew toy -hmmmm I won't even let you know the things our puppy has chewed on. He was licking a rock just a bit ago

You will have to let me know what you name her - she was awful cute! I am betting with her mix she will be a smart dog and keep the kids busy.
Congrats on the new puppy! I fell in love with a black tri corgi pup that was at the swap. But, alas, I had to put him back in the wagon. I have 4 at home. Husband said no. My friend Larry did have him going for a while on the phone that I purchased him. I love torturing my husband sometimes! *evil grin*

Liz and Dusty sold everything they had, except for a few chicks! Bottle baby goats, Guineas, roosters galore. I had most of my chicks sold before I got to the swap. I met Melissa and Anna there with their chicks. I also sold some DE, 2 dozen Pekin eggs, half dozen EE eggs and a book.

I came home with 4 more BCM's. 1 roo, 1 yearling hen and 2 pullets from Jean and Grisham lines. I picked up my pair of Blue Cochins from Matt Kuecker. All I can say is... WOW. They are a beautiful sight. Yeah!

I also picked up 15 Buff Orpington chicks. They are supposed to be exhibition quality. We'll see!

I gifted the SG roo I got from Stephanie to my friend, Liz. I had to laugh when I first met him. He wasn't caged, just sitting on a plastic bin. Hanging out with Stephanie (PBJmaker). It was too darn cute! Liz can't wait to get chicks out of him!

Liz also got quite a few very nice silkies. The majority of the young stock she got from the same breeder that sold me the BCM's.

Now, I need to sell more chicks to get some extra $!!!! I spent what I made on the stock I purchased from the last hatch!

I'm meeting a guy from Illinois at the Maquoketa swap to pick up some Heritage RIR's and project bantam marans chicks. Can't wait!!!

We got a new Call drake for our 2 lonely Call hens. I also brought home 4 little Araucana cross chicks. Looks like 2 might end up having tails but 2 appear to be rumpless
and one of those looks like a roo
but we will see as they grow up. I already have 1 rumpless Araucana/Cochin hen and really wanted a roo for her. Someday I want pure Araucana chickens. They are one of my dream chicken breeds. I sold my 2 Black Minorca hens (I got from Sandhill last summer) and an EE rooster with ease. I also sold my 3 baby bunnies within an hour of being there. I brought my 2 bantam hens back home. Oh well. I'll keep 'em
So many people were asking about the bantam rooster I had and I kept having to tell them it was 2 hens. Don't know why they thought that the one was a rooster. I really like the two hens so I'll keep them anyways. Well, gotta go. My sister is coming to visit for a week and I need to get a few more things done before she gets here.
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I simply could not resist posting these pics.

First, the puppy in it's fav spot, napping on a sofa bolster of course...
Puppy and I made a trip to the vet today and she did have worms but easily treatable. No fleas ticks or ear mites. she got her first shot but was napping so no hysterics.



I wanted to get some of that DE from you but completely forgot about it! Maybe next time. It was nice to meet you!


Charlie, my ribbon winning Serama roo, was very mean to his father again this afternoon and I let Curly, the Dad out for awhile. He stayed busy sitting in the nest box with one of the Buttercup girls but after she laid and I put her back in her pen, Curly was sitting on a ladder showing off to Chubby Bubby so I thought "what the heck", and put him in the pen with her. It was so funny to see him try and strut and move around that mountain of hen! Chubby seemed glad to have someone to share her space with. She had been scratching around looking for a place to lay her egg so Curly helped out. I snapped these pics which are classic David and Golithina!

He is really trying to size her up in this pic!


The next didn't come out very well but he is about 1/3 the size of Chubby!


Thought you might enjoy these!
Eric - can you say Napolean complex?

It's good to see Chubby is settling in nicely. I am really considering staying with marans and olive eggers for my big birds but seramas for the little breed. I really enjoy the tiny chickens.

I miss April
but my yard is much quieter now and I can focus on my marans. I probably should have brought my two sizzle hens to sell. Dolly is a NN sizzle with quite the afro going on.

I don't think Tank (my BC roo) knows what to do without April around - he actually gets to eat and flirt without fear of reataliation. We did see April's best girlfriend (a splash cochin) walking around crying for him last night. She seems better today. I hope chickens have short memories.

I would encourage you to try Pyncheons for little birds too or consider instead of. Thay are just as friendly. Nearly the same size. And are very unique. if you go to Avoca... I may let you try one for the summer! Don't rule it out.

Curly and Chubby are doing famously! He was already warning me to stay back! Then I grabbed him and wormed him! HA! That'll teach him to get tough with me! Almost had to sit on Chubby to worm her! I am not used to wranglin' them biguns!

You won't believe what happened to me! Have a hatch due tomorrow. Most are pipped already, the first hatcher, a buckeye, was in the old bator I use as a dryer before the brooder. I was in the garage worming chickens and I did not know it but my son was hosing puppy poo off the driveway. I went to the basement from the garage (we have a stairway into basement from garage also) and heard water running. Went into the room with the incubators and the frost free hose bib had split this winter so when my son turned on the water it was spraying in the basement, right on top of my incubators! OMG did I panic! Turned off the water supply, went upstairs and started yelling and of course no-one heard me.... The drying bator was filling with water already so had to move tiny chick immediately and move the bator with all the eggs to dryer ground. All I could think about was electrocuted chicks. Wet cords and the whole 9 yards. Got the brooder set up and found room in the backroom for the bator full of eggs.
At the end of the trauma... all seems well. Only casualty was the heating element in the dryer bator. After it dries out all night, have had a fan drying the floor and the lid for that bator, will plug it in again and see if maybe its just the light or if it will work again.

It was a truly frightening experience. I just hope it did not affect the hatch by moving them around. Temp only dropped by a few 10ths of a degree. Should know the whole story tomorrow. Can't hatch them but will probably be up all night worried about them. Looks like I've got some plumbing to do tomorrow.
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I had a ton of fun at waverly met some great people and came home with way to much stuff! thank you trish for taking that cage home for me! If you will be around Friday I may stop and pick it up. I came home with a 6 month old Beagle puppy two beautiful siamese satin bunnies, a mini rex Three muscovys and a mutt duck, 17 chicks and one chicken, a favorelle hen. I really wanted a rooster but didn't see one
. All my purcheses are doing great including the chicks. I will see everyone next weekend at Maquoketa. I will have to be selling this time! Hubby says no more buying till you do some selling!


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