IA here

Welcome to BYC! We live pretty close (comparatively) - I am by the airport in Des Moines
I guess I didn't know you could have chickens in Johnston.

Now I know why Chubby Bubby is such a good flyer!
Does anyone raise any Australorps? I was chicken gazings yesterday and was watching them and noticed the chicks are very "angry"... LOL One hen would run all over the inside of the coop chasing down another hen just to peck it. Talk about determined! Is this just a mean pullet or common among the breed. They are about 8 weeks old or so. Thanks!
Eric - she learned from watching the National Guard jets that take off over our house. She might be a little deaf too. We are 4 blocks from the airport.
Please don't be disgusted with me but on my own choosing I went and cleaned up the coop and re-arranged the stuff in there, bedded it all down and hung the feeder and waterer. They had a ton of feed. But they are blocked from going outside because the pen needs a little tweeking. But after I got them all moved around and put in there then they started chasin each other down, like REALLY chasin each other just to peck them. I understand establishing a pecking order but it just seemed a little extreme to me. I think thinning down his "herd" would be a GREAT idea, but you can't tell him anything.... Maybe they should just disappear and I can tell him that they are invisible chickens? LOL
Oh, and he told me that it is still my chicken house, that he doesn't want it. That when I want it back he'll put the chickens in the barn.
Trish the little chicks are doing good with my frizzle cochin hen. It is definately 2 blues, two splash and 3 EE's. They were out in the yard yesterday and mama hen got in a fight over the chicks with her broody sister. Her sister has 7 chicks of her own but they are 6 weeks old now and too big to sit on so she is trying to steal chicks from anyone she can. They are both awesome moms but they want to have tiny chicks ALLLLLL the time.
Bring it over here! We can put your Wellies in it!
Not disgusted with you, you have a big heart. And his animals more often than not, meet their demise on his farm from bad husbandry. I just hate how he's taken advantage of your generosity, been so dishonest.

As far as the temperaments of the Australorps, they are hatchery stock, so who knows!

We have ducklings. Woot! Sky (Muscovy) hatched them out but I am really hoping the 2 little black one might be from the Cayaga hen I lost to a predator. For now I have them and momma locked in a huge pen down in the barn so they don't get too cold with the winter-like weather we've had recently and now the rainy weather.
I left my little broody locked up today in a "mini-coop" that we have. My Big Mama (BC maran) got let out with her 10 chicks that are two weeks old. I hope they do fine today - I'm at work and can't check on them. She has places that she can take them to keep dry though. I want the warm sunshine weather back!

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