IA here

We're showing at the county fair, and possibly the state fair this year as well. I think the entry deadline for 4H is July 1, but non-4H, I'm unsure of a date. Any 4-H club will have access to someone who can test your birds, usually free for 4-H members. If not, call the county extension office or go to ISU extention website. My opinion is that hatchery breeds will work for experience and showmanship, the two best traits to learn for a beginner but probably won't win the purple ribbon. Any of the breeds you mention would be great. I saw many many excellent buff orps last year, so I'm guessing that category will be very difficult.
I wish I would have seen that earlier I have been thinkng about getting a few more chicks for when I butcher my meats and by the way Trish or new ducklings are doing great and getting pretty big. When my son isnt chasing them they chase him its great.
That made me laugh so hard I almost woke up my kiddos! I have a silkie that is currently mad at me, and I don't think I am going to ever get on her good side again.
does anyone know of anyone with West of England pigeons or Old German Owls, looking for a few, I can get some shipped but it is getting so hot out. or any pigeon shows coming up in our area that maybe I can find some?? Thanks guys
I am no help with showing chickens, I have never done that.

I got my new pullet from pbjmaker, She is very sweet and tame. 2 of my 4 roos where mean to her sooo they lost there head! This morning she came right up to me and told me that those 2 white hens were mean, and that she wanted to go home. I told her to give it a chance here and just be mean back. She got up on the roost and got all comfy, I guess she is going to give us a try.

I am very happy with her and my eggs to hatch, My Grandson will but them in the bater mon morning.

People like Stephenie make the world a better place! Lisa
I am glad she decided to give you a chance
She is a nice girl - I swear hand raising them even for a few weeks makes a difference. I have 2 RIR pullets that are about 3 weeks old and they follow me around like puppies.

I have made a compromise with Princess P. the serama. She gets to come in and roost on her favorite chair for about 1/2 hour while all the other chickens go to bed, then I put her in the coop as I shut the door. I got tired of her sitting on the ledge of my back window giving me "sad face"

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