IA here

Hi everyone, Sorry about the Lomana's,, what is a Lomana??? At least u will get some later! How are your plans with the IA blues going. Tell me again when I need to meat you in Neb. It is very nice of u to go to so much trouble. Did u want for me to raise prue breed IA blues in the future?

Steph I am sorry about your Dad. Are things going better?

The little blk chickens I hatched from your eggs r great. I notised that they are never mean to baby chickens. I really like there calm nature. I am planning to use them for breeding stock. Dottie is fine also.

We butcherd broilers yesterday. The day olds that I bought from Oak hill hatchery, about 8 weeks ago.We ate one today. It was by far the best chicken I have ever had..... I wish that I could breed and hatch them myself. I am trying but I have never seen anything grow the way they do. I did not weigh them but I think they were around 5 pounds each. Very delisious.

I am going to TX for a week or 2 my daughter is getting married. Everyone stay well and do'nt forget to feed your chickens! lisa

ps. feel free to corect my spelling!!!
Lamonas were a breed that was created in the late 1920's, gained enough popularity to be entered into the SOP, then died out in the 40's and 50's, believed to be extinct. In the 80's a man from WI (whom I have met and will see again in a couple weeks), recreated the breed to the specs the original creator did. A rare breed enthusiast on the East coast got some from the WI man and started breeding them himself. The WI, recreator, lost all of his in an electrical fire and never had it in his heart to try again. Now the RI, guy lost all his, this years birds, but one pullet. So I got bupkis after waiting for a year and tracking this guy down in RI! Anywho... the Lincoln, NE show is 6th and 7th of Nov.

It was very nice of you and the boys to stop over today and I hope the girls are settling in nicely. When I came home from work, Lora and David and I went to the fair as soon as I pulled in the driveway. On the way home from the fair, i asked Lora where Chocolate Cake was and she said she put her in the pen by herself. The poor girl was so lonely, I put her in the pen with the green eggers when we got home. The eggs that are due to hatch Tues., one already has a good sized pip, and I can hear another peeping in the shell. Gonna be a busy week here especially on Friday. Hope everyone is looking forward to blue baby pics!
Aw! Poor li'l Chocolate Cake!

All of us thoroughly enjoyed our visit. You & your wife were so hospitable and were patient to answer all my questions. The girls are settled in nice in our outdoor run which has a couple of areas where they can go in and get warm together. I will be curious where they will actually sleep in there tonight. I'm sure my boys and I will be making a trek out there tonight, after dark, to see how it's working out for them.

They were so busy scratching, foraging and pecking. They seemed very happy. My big girls came up to the pen a few times to see what was going on in there and was very interested. One of the bantam Delaware's was having a stare-down with one of my big girls for about five minutes. I could tell there was a bit of "who's the baddest hen" thing going on through the fence, and the little Delaware wasn't backing down!! I will probably keep them in there for a couple weeks and then add them into the big flock at night.

Thank you so much! We will return your transport box soon!
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Aw! Poor li'l Chocolate Cake!

All of us thoroughly enjoyed our visit. You & Lora were so hospitable and were patient to answer all my questions. The girls are settled in nice in our outdoor run which has a couple of areas where they can go in and get warm together. I will be curious where they will actually sleep in there tonight. I'm sure my boys and I will be making a trek out there tonight, after dark, to see how it's working out for them.

They were so busy scratching, foraging and pecking. They seemed very happy. My big girls came up to the pen a few times to see what was going on in there and was very interested. One of the bantam Delaware's was having a stare-down with one of my big girls for about five minutes. I could tell there was a bit of "who's the baddest hen" thing going on through the fence, and the little Delaware wasn't backing down!! I will probably keep them in there for a couple weeks and then add them into the big flock at night.

Thank you so much! We will return your transport box soon!

Just a humorous note..At night all three of the Buckeye girls would sleep inside the nest box and the 2 Dellies would sleep on top of it. In the other pen all the girls sleep at the other end where the feed and water is. Guess who was in the nest box all by herself, even sitting on a couple eggs... Miss CC and her crop was full! She'd been eating alot........ i reached in and gave her a little pat and she started to coo......
I'm so excited!
Between yesterday and today, we gathered 10 eggs!! Woo hoo!!

Wanted to share with people who probably understand my excitement.
I WAS getting 12 eggs or so a day from my pullets, but I had two decide to go broody over the weekend. A Wellsummer and a Cochin. Unfortunately they are on the hay stack on the horse side of the barn. If my mini horses want to eat I'll have to move them. If I relocate them will they abandon their eggs? Is it too late in the year for them to raise babies naturally?

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