IA here

I'm not a real experienced chicken-owner, but from what I've read chickens don't need heat or light. Some people do give light through the winter so their chickens continue to lay. It's a matter of personal preference. I don't, only because we do not have electric in our coop or anywhere nearby.

As far as heat, they say chickens do just fine without heat. As long as you have a roost that has the wide-side up so that they can sit on their feet at night (that's what I have). I also read that if you supplement with heat, they don't feather out like they should which helps with keeping themselves warm. This, too, is probably a matter of personal preference.

This is my first winter with my 12 Black Stars (got in April so they're about 9 months old) and three bantys and we'll see if this advice is true. So far so good.

Thanks for the input! The coop is probably 8 ft long x 3 ft wide and 9ft tall. It has three windows that I tried to seal, but it's not insulated. I've done the DLM and have a water warmer and that's about it. I think their body heat keeps it a little warmer than the temp outside. You know how it is... they're becoming more like pets!
Oh yes, I understand the part about them becoming like pets. We just love and enjoy our chickens sooo much! They are so entertaining, comical and a good way for my two boys to learn how to care for them.

My coop isn't insulated either, and as I said we have no electric anywhere near it. I take warm water out each morning and late afternoon to them since I can't have a water warmer out there. Seems to be working so far.

Now I just need to get a dust bath set-up for them in their coop.
Threw out the last 2 eggs because they were clear when candled. We cracked them open and there wasn't even a blod spot on them. So we now have 5 eggs left. 4 Orloffs and the buttercup one and all are developing great! All of them have movement too.
They must have gotten too cold. The Buttercups are almost guaranteed to be 100% fertile. I have never had one not be fertile! Unless, it was mis-marked and was something else?
I'm a little over an hour away from Kalona. Always stop to get "squeeky cheese" when I'm there! Fresh cheese curds are the best!
Hmmmm.. it wasn't cheese cruds I was after, it was Dave Smith and the New Hampster Reds but, I will keep that in mind now!

ETA: Bet the chickens would love them cruds too!

I am 5 hours from there and thats a long drive for some little chickens! Maybe we could make a family adventure over the Holidays if we have the time? We could stay at Stephanies house, like we did for the State Fair and drive to Kalona and back. Now the old kettles starting to rapid boil! What ideas! Last year we went to Wisc. to get Buckeyes all the way to the shore of Lake MI. OO! and while at Stephs, I could take my pliers and pull her tooth!
How are you and P doing Steph?
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I have to say I'm really getting to like the Iowa Blues. They do eat a lot but even though I'm currently feeding them in open bowls they really aren't very messy! I've been letting them out and they always herd back to the coop when I need them to. Ever try to herd Wesummers? It doesn't matter where you want them to go they go in the opposite direction! They are mind readers too, trying trick them into going the right way doesn't work either
Eric raises very polite little birds!

It appears the out of the 15 I have I'm guessing there are 4 roos and 11 pullets. Not a bad way to start! What did the rest of you end up with?
I forgot to mention that they were used to having tea at 4:00 precisley! Also Kari, I forgot to send down their tooth brushes!
Will enclose them along with their jammies in time for Christmas. Don't forget to hang up their stockings!
How are the Serama doing? I tired to put my old hen (Serama), Naughty Snow White and Miss E., our EE old lady, in with the Vorwerks and the boy jumped on poor Naughty and well, you can guess what he did, she tried to hide under the food dish, even though she is very small, her little booty was still sticking out and the girl Vorwerk kept pecking her so I rescued them both again. Was hoping Naughty would stand her ground like I've seen her do but it was too much. Then I tried to put Buffy, the bantam Orp and Sammie the bantam Salmon Fav in with Naughty and Miss E but that didn't work yet either. The orp and the Fav can be easily bullied. They can all go outside together but not live together right now??? I need a new method.

How are the Moderns doing? I miss them talking to me. They can be very chatty and like to talk about everything.... How's the little cockerel doing?
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