IA here

Question for the few of you folks in Iowa doing the hatching! Where are you housing those little fuzzy butts till they get some size? My barn is far toooo cold this time of year to even thing about it with a good brooder. I don't think DH would let me near the man cave (heated), to put little hatchlings in. I am totally jealous, waiting till March to start up the bator. I am psyched, I am going to have Lavender Orps this year!

Flash point Farms - what kind of goats do you raise? We are looking for a couple of fainters.

If you are asking me ( I assume so because I brought them up
) I have two cavachon puppies plus their parents. Dad is a cavalier king charles spaniel and mom is a bichon. They look like muppets.

My daughter let Jack out of his cage accidently last time she was in heat so now we will have a new litter of pups in about 1 1/2 weeks. I wanted her to take a year off before having another litter and had a whole system of kenneling the mama and papa dogs to give them both some freedom and "kennel time". Next time there will be a padlock on the kennel door and I will be the only one with a key. Lily is due around the 12- 14th.

As far as hatching. I have an unfinished basement that I have kept chicks in for the winter and my injured hen is down there now. It does get stinky though if you don't keep totally on top of the litter. Even then they get a little smelly. I've started them down there and then moved them to the garage with a heat lamp until they got big enough to go outside.

I won't probably hatch again myself until 3 weeks before the Waverly swap
I too start my babies in the basement, but I am always very anxious for the warmth of spring to arrive. The smell starts creeping upstairs and it smells a bit like the barn, so I will hold off a while, however it sure is fun to live vicariously thru this forum.

Do any of my fellow Iowans have Salmon Favorelles (large breed)?
Hey Iowans, I'm seeking some fertile purebred eggs to set this January for 5-6 month olds by county fair rolls around. This will be for 4-H for the kids. Would really love some of the HUGE nice buff orps, but open to any ideas of large size purebreds. What do you have to sell? I will drive to you or meet you. Thanks!!!
Hey, I'm good. Just nestled in for the winter down here on the farm. We've been lucky without much snow and so it's been easy living so far this winter. I'm not on BYC much anymore, just now and again for a browse around. How have you been? We need to have lunch again soon. Your half cochin is still out there in the bridge coop bossin' the girls near the nest boxes around. I have 4 roosters right now, don't you want one? You and I need to have lunch again soon!
Ours go straight out to the barn. I promised DH that I wouldn't raise chicks in the garage anymore. It's not heated. I use a stock tank with a home made wire top that folds up in the center. It stays warm enough if I put something over top, like a feed bag or left over tin siding.

No fainters here, just Dairy goats. Sanaans, Alpines, La Manchas and a couple of Nubians.

I have some Buff Orpingtons that are from an exhibition line, they are pretty dark though!

I also have Welsummers, Marans, and BBS Ameracauna's. You can check out what we have at ETPoultry.webs.com Our new website is almost ready.

I have a 6 foot long, 2 foot high, 2 foot wide plywood box with a lid, in the garage with a heat lamp they start out in. Then when i start smelling them or the dust gets to thick on stuff in the garage, i move them to a little shed that has a boxed in corner with a heat lamp to keep them from freezing. Seems to work well, but so far no really, REALLY cold weather !!!
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