IA here

I have a 4 1/2 month old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster, if anyone is interested. He was ordered from McMurray Hatchery
and is a nice, friendly chicken. He's filling out nicely too. He was the cutest one of the chicks, so he was held a lot. He's pretty spoiled also.
I'd keep him, except I have neighbors - so no roos!

My husband just went for an interview today in Keokuk. We might be moving there! How's the chicken laws.
I have 32 currently, but will only move 12. Can you see it now, 2 cats, 1 dog, 2 fish and 12 chickens. I need my head examined.
all you new posters! Glad to see the numbers are growing, thats a good thing!

Kari here are the pics of the little Salm Fav. roolet (neat word) or cockerel and the little Sersalmfav, whatchamacallit he/she is a little cutie.
I threw in a couple of funny pics to warm you up on a cold day!





I put some vasiline (sp) that had aloe vera in it too, on Broosters comb. That's ok right? It was getting pretty dry and had a few sore looking spots, hope that helps it.
Welp - we are at 4 puppies so far tonight and there is more to come.

3 girls and a boy so far. One of them is sooooo tiny. The other 3 weigh 9, 10.4, 10.5 oz respectively. This little girl weighs in at 4.8 oz. I hope she does OK. So far I have named her Pixie because she looks like a little elf compared to the others.
Vaseline is supposed to protect them from frostbite, which could be the white spots. By the way Tira, no pet taxi yet? Are you sure it was sent?
Pics please

If you need to keep the little one warm, I have a broody
Think the broody would notice the difference?

Lily had one more pup - another boy weiging in at 10.1 oz. Looks like that's all she is going to have. I have been awake all night making sure the little one gets food and warmth. She is not a strong eater and the 4 big ones keep nuzzling her away from the prime dinner spots. You would think with 8 teats and 5 puppies there wouldn't be a problem

It is funny - I can already tell when Pixie (maybe Thumbalina) is the one whining. She actually kind of barks already and the other ones just whine.

They are all the same color as Tucker (tan/white) except for the itty bitty. She is black/white.

I am sooooooooo tired. Gonna go try and get some sleep now that they are all settling in.
Alas, no. I am looking for some laced Wyandotte hens to put some variation on my EE flock, but my roos will soon be pure Ameraucanas. Does anyone need a couple of lovely EE roosters? Free to anyone who won't tell me they are going to be eaten.
They will be a year in March and they are proven fertile.



I need updated pictures - these were taken early last summer.

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