IA here

Cathy, would you stop lurking on here and jump in the conversation already?



Thanks for the info! I only have the one Roo, any ideas how much I should expect to spend?

Feather stubs?!? Hum, I have no idea what those are. I don't think he has any. He is only a little over 4 months old. So maybe he wouldn't be ready to butcher?
Is he one of the Wellies you got from me?


Feather stubs?!? Hum, I have no idea what those are. I don't think he has any. He is only a little over 4 months old. So maybe he wouldn't be ready to butcher?
Anyone get an email about a chicken workshop in Cedar Falls? Has to do with being able to raise chickens in your backyard and by attending this course, you receive a necessary certificate to be able to keep birds? I did, if you need a copy, I may be able to paste it in here.
I had to haul mine to Sumner last year north of Independence. I think there are a couple others in Iowa, but none closer to me. 2 hours one way. I probably should just break down and do it myself

Sumner Locker
(563) 578-5341
112 S Carpenter St Sumner, IA 50674

Thanks for the info! I only have the one Roo, any ideas how much I should expect to spend?

I paid 2.25 each, but didn't have them separate out the heart, gizzard etc. That's extra. It may have gone up though. I do know you need to call and make an appointment. I called a month ahead and still had to wait like 3 hours for them to do my 9 in between a batch of 50 and a batch of 100. My birds ended up being about 2.5 pounds dressed out at 18 weeks. Not sure if that's good or not for Ameraucanas and Welsummers.
you might be better off asking ppl you know. any hunters, they would skin it most likely but. I took mine to ackley Ia verns i think it was called. $2 a bird.

the full moon this morning was so orange my roos thought it was the sun and started crowing.

when its really cold and nasty i'm really glad i built the coop/goat shed so close but when i'm still laying in bed and 5 roos start crowing i'm not so happy.

speaking of roos if i bred a rose comb roo to a single comb hen what would happen. lol which is the stronger gene?
Trish, didja see the pics I posted a while back? Are you still interested in getting back Cochin roos? Or, if you are looking for Wellie roos I have 3. I'll trade for hatchin eggs
Gotta fill my new Hova-bator for the Easter hatch. I might need more buff Orps and BRs. You're so sneaky giving me "extra" eggs so I'll get hooked on a new breed! They are awesome!!!

I'll have to post some new photos of these kids. Boy they grow fast. I have one Cochin guy that is almost too big. He seems to walk a little funny like he's growing too fast for his coordination skills to keep up. I have had young horses like that
If Lisa was around she was willing to show anyone how to do it yourself. I have a hard time with the idea but my husband has slaughtered a couple. It doesn't matter to him but he doesn't think it's worth his time.

Been on the phone with the Ia State University vet this morning. He is super nice and helped me a lot. Trying to figure out what is still running through my flock. He suggested I take blood samples and seperate it into serum then send the serum to MN to get tested or through Hy- Line if they would do it. He also told me to use Tylan 50 for them in their water. Will have to go get some. Problem is their water will possibly freeze up before they would get it in their system. ARGGGG!

I really want a definitive answer as to what it is so I can know how to treat and proceed with the flock.

Anyone know how to draw blood and seperate it?

On a lighter note- PICTURES!

Big Blue the Emu:



The other blue roo (speaking of slaughter...)


Remember Jet?

Just a few weeks later:
Sheesh, my roos don't need the sun to wake up. I think they hear my alarm go off! And my house is 200 yards from the coop! It WAS a cool moon though!

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